Cynthia Pando

Health Services Research & Policy PhD Student

University of Minnesota School of Public Health

Bio: Cynthia is a PhD candidate in Health Services Research, Policy, and Administration at the University of Minnesota. Cynthia holds a bachelor's degree in Behavioral Neuroscience and Sociology and a master's degree in Sociology from Lehigh University. Previously, she was a research assistant at State Health Access Data Assistance Center, where she worked on multiple state-focused projects, including Minnesota's Community and Uninsured Profile. She was a pre-doctoral Population Health T-32 NICHD trainee at the Minnesota Population Center.

Her dissertation focuses on the indirect effects of the 2017 proposed public charge rule, an immigration policy, on Medicaid enrollment and healthcare experiences of  US-citizen Latinx children with immigrant parents. 

Area of Emphasis: Sociology of Health and Illness

Dissertation Advisor: Kathleen Call, PhD

Research Interests

Immigrant Health Policy, Latinx Health, Health Inequities and Disparities, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Intersectionality, Social Construction


M.A.  in Sociology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

B.A.  in Behavioral Neuroscience and Sociology (double major) and Health, Medicine, and Society (minor), Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

Select Publications 

Pando, C., Santaularia, N. J., Erickson, D., Lust, K., & Mason, S. M. (2022). Classes of lifetime adversities among emerging adult women by race/ethnicity and their associations with weight status in the United States. Preventive Medicine, 154, 106880. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106880

Pando, C., Tait, M. E., McGuire, C. M., Perez-Sanz, S., Baum, L., Fowler, E. F., & Gollust, S. E. (2022). Health Insurance Ad Messages Targeted to English- and Spanish-Speaking Populations in a Period of Limited Federal Investment in Marketplace Outreach. Medical Care Research and Review, 10775587221101296. doi: 10.1177/10775587221101295

Tait, M., Pando, C., McGuire, C., Perez-Sanz, S., Baum, L., Fowler, E., & Gollust, S. (2022). Picturing the populations who could benefit from health insurance access expansions: An analysis of US health insurance television ads airing in 2018. World Medical & Health Policy.   

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