Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cutoff wall and where is it located?

Please read our home page for more information the history of the cutoff wall and its location.

Is the St. Anthony Falls in danger of collapsing?

No. The Falls is not at risk of failure and is being monitored, inspected, and maintained by organizations with responsibility for the site. There are historic structures, however, that exist below the surface and nobody knows their condition - specifically the cutoff wall and tunnel excavated in the St. Peter sandstone. Sudden failure in these systems could lead to more substantial failures at the St. Anthony Falls site and so the Minnesota legislature has asked our team to investigate and assess these risks.

How can I follow this project and receive the final report?

Please visit our Follow Us page to sign up for projcet updates.

Who is on the project team?

Meet our project team by visiting our Team page.

When will the final report be available and how do I get a copy?

The project is schedule to be completed in June 2025. A final project report will be produced and shared with the state legislature. 

Has anyone seen the cutoff wall?

The cutoff wall is a buried structure and very difficult or even impossible to access.  As far as we know, the wall has never been fully inspected and only limited inspections of short section of the wall have taken place over the last 30 years.