
CTSI-Ed’s mission is to train the next generation of independent investigators in clinical and translational science. For their mentored research, Scholars are required to have a 3-person mentoring team that consists of a primary mentor, an interdisciplinary mentor and a data scientist mentor.

Primary Mentor (updated 12.14.23)

For predoctoral students, typically the primary mentor is the applicant’s dissertation advisor, but that is not a requirement. For all scholars (pre- and postdocs), primary mentors must have substantial research experience including a stable, active and externally funded CTS research program; a strong track record of research dissemination, including CTS-related publications within past 2-3 yrs; a strong track record of successful training of predoctoral and/or postdoctoral Scholars (i.e., have progressed to productive research careers); sufficient funds to ensure that the applicant has the necessary research support for expenses; and a history of working successfully in multidisciplinary research teams.

Interdisciplinary Mentor

A faculty member from a discipline different from the primary mentor whose research complements and promotes the Scholar’s translational research.

Data Scientist mentor

This mentor would be an expert in statistics, computational science, bioinformatics, data sharing and access, data management, data security, or data privacy in human subjects research. If you do not already have a data scientist mentor, see Data Scientist Mentor Resources for CTSI T32 Scholars for assistance, or contact Consult with your mentor and contact/engage with potential data scientists as soon as an invitation to apply is received. They are expected to assist with and approve the applicant’s proposal prior to submission and provide a letter of support. If the applicant’s primary or interdisciplinary mentor meets the qualifications as a data scientist, only two mentors are required for the mentoring team.

Tertiary Mentor

You may have an additional tertiary mentor if your primary and interdisciplinary mentor feel it would be beneficial.

Community Mentor

In addition, each Scholar will be paired with a community mentor to facilitate translation. However,  the community mentor will be identified after the Scholar is appointed in conjunction with CTSI T32 leadership. Community mentors are not part of the formal mentoring team.

Mentor Requirements and Milestones (added 12.18.23; revised 12.29.23)

* We hope to develop a special META training for CTSI-Ed mentors so we have flexibility in delivery and timing. 

** All mentors should complete the OPM online training modules before July 1, 2024 (the start of the CTSI T32 program).  (revised 12.29.23

Mentors who have completed META or OPM training previously are not required to take it again.