Continental Scientific Drilling Community Science Planning


The Continental Scientific Drilling (CSD) Facility at the University of Minnesota requests your participation in the community science planning process. Significant progress has been made toward community goals defined in the previous Science Plan. Our next steps will enable the CSD community to orient toward new opportunities and articulate science-driven needs in the coming years. 

Working Groups

Our goal is for discipline specific working groups to produce high-level 1- or 2-pagers that articulate the scientific vision and needs of each community by the end of June. Continued efforts will then flesh out short manuscripts and document community priorities before the in-person workshop.

Use the drop down menu arrow to the right to explore our draft working group designations.

Calendar of Events and Meetings

Fall 2024 Integration Summit 

We will host an in-person workshop mid to late October or early November. This event will be an Integration Summit, with representatives from each working group presenting their community's vision, documenting common themes, and integrating objectives to a common framework that can be used to advance community goals. 

The goal of this event is to identify and prioritize the compelling science drivers, drilling/coring targets, strategic frameworks, and timelines focusing on continental localities in the coming decade. Projects include, but are not limited to, collaborative efforts and co-funding with international partners. Investigators with committed funding from the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), or those who will seek such support, are particularly encouraged to participate. 

Short presentation slots will be available in the agenda for participants to provide brief overviews of the scientific rationale for proposed drilling/coring targets and strategic frameworks. Participants may also bring posters for display during the workshop.