How Scoring Works

Let me explain where all of these points are coming from. While making my spreadsheet, I only included lists that gave a concrete ranking of the albums. I did not include any lists that did not give a particular order to the albums on said lists (e.g., Allmusic's list).

For those lists that I did include, I gave the number one album on each list 50 points. The points given to each consecutive album on the list decreased with each album by a certain interval. The point interval depended on the number of albums in the list. The interval was found by dividing 50 by the number of albums on the list. So, if an list was made up of 50 albums, the album at #2 would receive 49 points. If a list was made up of 25 albums, the album at #2 would receive 48 points (50/25 = 2 point interval). To save me some sanity, the maximum number of albums I allowed for any list was 50. This means if a list originally had 100 albums on it, I only counted the top 50.

I hope that made sense!