Cannon River Valley Master Naturalist Chapter
Minnesota Master Naturalist chapters are regional groups of volunteers who meet to share experiences, learn together, connect with natural resource experts, cooperate in identifying local needs, and become more involved in environmental events and projects in their communities. Chapters are "officially" sanctioned through the Minnesota Master Naturalist state program, and agree to abide by certain standards and structures for operation. Active volunteers, participants in Minnesota Master Naturalist classes, and other members of the natural resources community can all join chapters.
Contact and meeting information
Chapter email address:
Leadership team:
President - Breanna Wheeler
Vice President - Laurie Hougen-Eitzman
Secretary/Treasurer - Heather McNabnay
At Large - Jim Platt, Pam Fickenscher
Chapter Host - Carleton Arboretum/Nancy Braker
Meeting information: (click on the Events tab above for more information on upcoming meetings)
Starting in 2025, we will meet in the evenings on the third Thursday of even numbered months (February, April, June, August, October, December).
For odd numbered months, we need your help! Do you have a favorite natural area you'd like to invite the chapter to and have an informal walk? Email your interest with place name, date and time for January, March, May, July, September, November. For inspiration on past places we've gone, scroll down on the Events tab to see past events.Thank you!
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