2020 BTAA GIS Conference Map Gallery

Static Maps

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Andrew W Bernish

I have two small children (ages 2 and 5) and they like to get out in our kayak. I started looking for more public kayak launches near our home in Easton and realized that our county is one of the best places for kayaking. I was inspired to create this map with an eye for my kids as it will hang in their shared bedroom. I used a kids' palette of colors and fonts.

Lily M Houtman

The 2020 Democratic primary in Wisconsin was one of the first elections held at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the state underprepared for absentee ballots, and lacking resources and poll workers on election day, voters suffered. This maps puts together trends of cases on election day and voter turnout, compared to turnout in the 2016 primary.

Andrew W Bernish

Oakley Cabin is a 19th century African American historic site. Built as one of three slave dwellings in the 1820s, the cabin was the center of an African American roadside community from emancipation well into the 20th century. The dwelling, inhabited until 1976, is now operates as a living history museum.

Ali Surdoval

Soil erosion and sedimentation are pressing environmental issues in the Great Lakes region today. Sedimentation from erosion degrades water quality for both humans and wildlife. 66-75% of soil erosion in the Great Lakes region is from agriculture. Understanding the crop types associated with high levels of suspended sediment (SS) in waterways can help watershed management measures to better target agricultural practices to reduce sedimentation.

Interactive Map Gallery

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Daniella Acosta

This Story Map consolidates the current investments, systems and decisions that are occurring along the future Purple Line light rail. The investment occurring along the Purple Line Corridor should be understood as a system of plans and how the contents of those planning documents share contingencies and are interdependent upon another.

Andrew W Bernish

Project Green Classrooms, AKA Get Kids Outside in Maryland, is a joint effort by several Maryland state agencies and some other helpful partners to ensure that every child in Maryland has the opportunity to learn about their local environment, develop a connection with nature, and have a better sense of place in their natural surroundings.

Andrew W Bernish

The Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program provides grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities. The program supports projects that maximize bicycle access, fill missing links in the state's bicycle network, and enhance last-mile connections to work, school, shopping and transit. The Bikeways Program seeks to leverage past investments in bicycle facilities, complement existing state, local, and federal programs, and promote biking as a fun, healthy transportation mode.

Milan Budhathoki; Geoffrey Siwo

There are around 200 vaccine candidates for COVID-19 in development. This dashboard will be continuously updated with public information on COVID-19 vaccines aggregated from various sources and annotated to support meta analyses.

Caitlin E. Burke

This story map focuses on University of Maryland's (UMD) historical evolution since it was founded in 1856. It displays the visual transformation of campus from the Maryland Agricultural College to the UMD that it is known today. It also goes in depth of some of the university's significant historical events, such as the Great Fire of 1912 and the Vietnam War protests of the early 1970's.

Andrew Flachs

Through cotton, farmers, weavers, scientists, and wearers imagine Others across an ancient global commodity chain. It begins with a seed.

Kim Gallon

This project is a spatial visualization of COVID-19 mortality data based on race. It tells the story of systemic inequality and health disparities in the pandemic. However, the map also recovers the humanity of Black Americans who have died from the coronavirus. Overall, the map acts a site of grief and mourning.

GIS and Spatial Data Center; Yukako Tatsumi; Caitlin Burke

This is a City Map Central Tokyo, which was created by the U.S. military government in October 1947 specifically for U.S. service members and their families. This map takes you on a tour of some of the most significant places for American military and civilian personnel living in Tokyo.

Patricia J. Herron; Caitlin Burke

The characters in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, travel throughout Europe, Great Britain, and the Arctic region. This Story Map identifies and illustrates many of these locations with maps, images, and contextual quotes from the novel. Quotations were selected from: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, et al. The Annotated Frankenstein. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012, which was based on the 1818 edition.

Brian Huberty; Dr. Laura Chavez; Mike Battaglia; Keith Pelletier; Dr. Joe Knight,; Paul Morin; Dr. Jennifer Corcoran; Jim Klassen; Dr. Brian Brisco; Lori White; Brandon Krumwiede

Through a complex, binational collaborative project between Canada and the United States, the team continues to better measure and map coastal wetland features and hydrologic changes through time at fine resolutions across the entire Great Lakes Basin. Several remote sensing derived products have been developed for monitoring wetland type, extent and inundation of Great Lakes coastal wetlands.

Peter A Knoop

Understanding your user community is key for any institution software system when planning for its administration and support. ArcGIS is no different. By combining usage data from ArcGIS with campus directory information, you can gain insight into who at your institution is using the Esri ArcGIS platform, as well as a measure of reliance. (Want to build a usage dashboard for your own organization? Check out https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/1ab3bbf9e26148a0a04c971d5ab8c3ac)

Hannah P Kuriakose; Kelly Askew

In the past two decades, indigenous peoples in Africa have seen a sharp increase in violations of their human rights and intensified efforts to appropriate their land and water resources. Each case is published on our public website and pinpointed on a map of Africa based on their location, then categorized based on its conflict type: conservation, agribusiness, extractive industries, infrastructure, farmer conflict, refugees, and urban expansion. Cases explain the history and culture of the indigenous people affected by the conflict, details of the conflict, and employ the web-mapping capabilities of the Esri platform. Cases are then reviewed and updated whenever we find new information.

Sara Lafia; André Bruggmann

This interactive self-organizing web map configures 1,731 research publications (theses and dissertations) available through a digital library archive. The publications are arranged using topic modeling and a self-organizing map algorithm. Publications with similar text descriptions are placed closer together and are more topically similar while those that are dissimilar are spaced further apart. This map highlights the topical breadth and various affinities of academic departments at a major research university.

Julia F Lee

Mangroves are the unsung heroes in regards to preventing climate change and stopping the disastrous effects of global warming. These woody plants grow along the coastline, and their many benefits that extend far beyond the coast often go unnoticed; they're huge blue carbon storage systems, they foster biodiversity, and they reduce storm damage, just to name a few of their protecting abilities. However, mangroves are very sensitive to disturbances caused by human activities like excessive aquaculture and pollution. Since all their weaknesses are tied to humans, we need to be more conscientious of and conserve these ecosystems to save them, so in turn, we can save ourselves.

Mark W Lindquist; Daniel Phillips

This interactive story map provides a snapshot of landscape maintenance practices and territories impacting public and semi-public space within the city of Detroit, Michigan. The project is the result of direct engagement with existing landscape processes and need-finding among a variety of local entities, all of which are exerting direct influence over the present and future shape of the urban landscape. It brings together disparate sources of data and insight, and is the first of its kind for the city of Detroit.

Blake W Munshell; Antonio Sanchez; Michael Humber; John Keniston; Dan O'Neill

The NASA Harvest COVID-19 Dashboard was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to allow users of the dashboard to explore the impacts that it has had on people and agriculture, including food security, crop conditions, and markets and trade.

Lara K. O'Brien

Helium balloons can travel hundreds, even thousands of miles, before landing as litter that not only pollutes the environment but also poses a significant threat to wildlife, livestock, and pets. A citizen science survey, found at balloondebris.org, can be used to submit information, including the location and photo of balloon debris. This data is immediately uploaded onto an interactive map that provides a clear and powerful visualization of where released balloons end up and just how widespread and prevalent this issue really is. Viewers can use this dashboard to examine survey submissions, as well as a point map and heat map of the found debris.

Ishwaar Seshadri; Ritvik Sahajpal

Devastating droughts in East and Southern Africa in the recent past highlight the importance and necessity of production forecasting and real time monitoring to alleviate acute food shortages. The principal investigator of this project is Dr. Catherine Nakalembe who recently won the 2020 Africa Food Prize for her innovations and contributions to food security across the African continent. This dashboard is being developed as a part of her NASA SERVIR funded project on Earth Observation for National Agricultural Monitoring.

Kathleen W Weessies

From 1936 to 1966 Victor Green, and later his widow Alma Green, edited the Negro Motorist Green Book, which listed businesses that would serve black travelers without harassment or prejudice. Race or ethnicity of the business owner was not a criteria for inclusion in the listings. This map shows the locations of 86 Detroit businesses listed in these guides. Locations were established by examining detailed period maps, particularly locations on streets that no longer exist.

Dani Weissman; Liz Nguyen

Coastal agricultural communities are on the leading edge of climate change. As sea levels rise, low lying farmland and forests are particularly vulnerable to saltwater intrusion and coastal flooding. Much of the Chesapeake Bay's coastline extends along the Delmarva Peninsula. The peninsula is home to tidal salt marshes, riparian forests, and farmland, which provide crucial functions for the economic, social, and environmental vitality of the region. With rising seas, farmland and forests in this region are already transitioning to tidal salt marshes. Called "marsh migration," this phenomenon is causing radical shifts in coastal ecosystems and great damage to the agricultural industry. Extensive upland area will be lost by 2025.

Esther J. West; Courtney Berner

The National Cooperative Resource Ecosystem Map is part of a broader University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives project called "Collective Action in Rural Communities: Mapping Opportunities for Cooperative Conversion and Start-up". It is funded by the National Institute for Agriculture's Agriculture Food Research Initiative.

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