Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI is at the center of my career. To my knowledge, I am the first openly gay person to head a fisheries and wildlife department in the United States. My experience has helped me develop a sensibility for what it is like to be a member of an underrepresented group in a demographically homogeneous field. Although my experience is distinct from that of women, Blacks, Latinos and Latinas, Native Americans, and members of other marginalized groups, I understand the barriers that people from these groups experience and the support that they need to succeed in fields related to natural resources and the environment


We currently have two main projects that directly address issues in diversity, equity and inclusion.

Nature for New Minnesotans is adapting materials from the Minnesota Master Naturalist program for use in English language learner programs for new immigrants. We hope to help new Minnesotans develop a sense of place for their adopted home and to develop their English literacy skills at the same time.

FWCB's Faculty Workshops in DEI are intended to develop the department's competencies in DEI. We have embarked on a three-year journey concentrating on a single topic each year: diversity and teaching, diversity and research, and diversity and public engagement.


Lucas Rapisarda, a PhD student in the lab, is coordinator of Nature for New Minnesotans.

Jen Schultz, program assistant for many of our outreach programs, provides her sound insights on diversity work whenever she can.

Lisa Curtis, program coordinator for our outreach programs, provides her expertise on educator professional development for our faculty workshops.


We haven't published in this area (yet!), stay tuned.


Nature for New Minneostons is supported by  Minnesota's Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Go out and buy those lottery tickets!

Faculty Workshops are supported by the College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences at the University of Minnesota.