
Undergraduate Courses (University of Minnesota)

HSem 2055V - Biology and Society: How Evolution Shapes Our Lives [Honors Seminar]: Fall 2018 (with Mike Travisano)

PHIL 1005/1005H - Scientific Reasoning: Fall 2020; Fall 2018; Fall 2013; Fall 2012; Fall 2011; Fall 2009; Fall 2008; Fall 2007; Spring 2007

PHIL 1905 - Fossils and Philosophy: Historical Knowledge [Freshman Seminar]: Spring 2008

PHIL 3602 - Science, Technology, and Society: Darwin and Design: Spring 2014; Spring 2013; Fall 2009; Fall 2008; Fall 2007

PHIL 3605 - Disease, Diagnosis, and Intervention: Conceptual Issues in Medicine: Spring 2024; Spring 2022; Spring 2020 (with Steve Stovitz); Spring 2019

PHIL 3607 - Philosophy of Psychology: Spring 2021

PHIL 4607/5607 - Philosophy of the Biological Sciences: Spring 2020; Fall 2017; Fall 2015; Fall 2013; Fall 2012; Fall 2010 (with James Griesemer, Ken Waters, and Bill Wimsatt); Spring 2007

Graduate and Faculty Courses and Seminars (University of Minnesota)

PHIL 5601 - History of Philosophy of Science: 19th Century Philosophy of Science: Spring 2013; Spring 2008

PHIL 8602 - Scientific Representation and Explanation: Idealization: Fall 2020

PHIL 8602 - Scientific Representation and Explanation: Mechanisms: Spring 2018

PHIL 8620 - Philosophy of the Biological Sciences: Fall 2014 (with Bill Wimsatt); Fall 2011 (with Bill Wimsatt)

PHIL 8670 - Philosophy of Science: Reductionism in Biology: Fall 2006

Institute for Advanced Study, University Symposium on Body and Knowing Faculty Seminar, “Corporeal Epistemologies: Knowing and Body Across the Disciplines,” with David Valentine (Anthropology): Spring 2010

Graduate Student Advising and Committee Membership (University of Minnesota)

Teaching Development Activities

Guest Lectures

February 2022 

“Understanding Biological Reasoning: A Philosophical Perspective”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the undergraduate course “Introduction to Biology, Society, and Environment” [BSE 2001] (also delivered in September 2021, February 2021, September 2020, January 2020, September 2019, April 2019, September 2018, January 2018, September 2017, January 2017, September 2016, March 2016, September 2015, January 2015, February 2014, September 2013, February 2013, September 2011, & April 2011). Primary Instructor: R. Squires/K. Klink, PhD, Geography, Environment and Society (CLA)


February 2022

Book Discussion of Michael Ruse’s On Purpose (2018) [3 evening sessions], Anselm House, St. Paul, MN.


January 2022

“Is there a necessary conflict between science and faith? With reflections on “evidence” and “purpose””, Project Diversity’s Spiritual & Religious Diversity Committee, Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota. [online]


March/April/May 2021

“Conversations about Science and Society: Interrogating the Rules of Science”, book symposium organizer and discussion host, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota. [online]


January 2020 

“Modeling Complex Systems: Reductionism, Emergence, and other Key Concepts”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the graduate seminar “Complex Systems in Kinesiology” [KIN 8122]. Primary Instructor: George Biltz, MD, Kinesiology (CEHD)

March 2017

 “Not Science, but Sciences, and Why it Matters”, delivered at Sip of Science, National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics and St. Anthony Falls Laboratories, Minneapolis, MN.

October 2016

“Not Science, but Sciences, and Why it Matters”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the undergraduate honors seminar “Ways of Knowing and Science” [AGRI 1902H]

Primary Instructor: Craig Hassel, PhD, Food Science and Nutrition (CFANS)

September 2016

“Philosophy of Science (in Practice)”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the graduate seminar “Orientation to Scientific Thought” [HORT 8280]

Primary Instructor: Ruth Shaw, PhD, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (CBS)

September 2016

“Understanding Biological Reasoning: A Philosophical Perspective”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the undergraduate/graduate course “Research Proposals: From Ideas to Strategic Plans” [ANSC 3091V/5091] (also delivered in February 2016 and October 2015)

Primary Instructor: Milena Saqui-Salces, PhD, Animal Science (CFANS)

April 2016

“Not Science, but Sciences, and Why it Matters”, delivered to the Campus Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists (also delivered to Truth in Science and Engineering in March 2016)

September 2015

“Understanding Biological Reasoning: A Philosophical Perspective”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the undergraduate course “Biology Colloquium” (also delivered in April 2015)

Instructor: Dahsol Lee, Student Leader, College of Biological Sciences (CBS) 

April 2014 

“Emerging Perspectives on Evolution”, delivered at Bethel University Seminary for the graduate course “Theology and Science”

Primary Instructor: Kenneth Reynhout, PhD, Theology

April 2013

"Why Centipedes are Odd and Philosophy is Relevant to Biology", delivered for the College of Biological Sciences "Common Time" sequence for freshman majors

May 2011 

“Darwin’s Functional Reasoning”, delivered at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design for the undergraduate course “Reading and Writing 2”

Primary Instructor: Neal Jahren, PhD, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

March 2011 

“Interdisciplinary Lessons for the Teaching of Biology from the Practice of Evo-devo”, delivered at the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education Center, University of Minnesota

February 2011 

“Panel discussant (with Lynn Nyhart and Ronald Numbers) for the movie Creation: The True Story of Charles Darwin, “Darwin Day 2011”, University of Wisconsin – Madison

February 2010 

“Famous Thinkers Change Their Mind (With Subtlety): The Case of Charles Darwin and Asa Gray”, delivered at the “Darwin Day” event for the Campus Atheists and Secular Humanists (CASH) 

“Understanding Biological Reasoning: Concepts, Explanations, & Interdisciplinarity”, delivered to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for the series ‘Afternoon with the Liberal Arts’ 

March 2008 

“Interdisciplinarity in Philosophical Perspective”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) graduate seminar 

Primary Instructor: Claudia Neuhauser, PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

April 2007 

“Temporality in explanations of ontogeny : making the continuous discrete ”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the graduate seminar “Matters of Time ”

Primary Instructors: David Fox, PhD, Geology and Geophysics; Sally Kohlstedt, PhD, History of Science and Technology; Ann Waltner, PhD, History 

September 2006 

“Science and theology in history ”, delivered at the University of Minnesota for the undergraduate course “Origins”

Primary Instructor: Christopher Macosko, PhD, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science 

February 2004 

“Homology: how can we trace evolutionary history with structure?”, delivered at Indiana University for the undergraduate course “Evolution”

Primary Instructor: Rudolf Raff, PhD, Biology

March 2002, 2001, 2000 

“Darwinism and Christianity”, delivered at Carnegie Mellon University for the undergraduate course “Christianity and Science”

Primary Instructor: Gary Patterson, PhD, Physical Chemistry            

March 2002 

 “Charles Lyell, Geology, and Darwin”, delivered at the University of Pittsburgh for the undergraduate course “Darwinism and its Critics”

Primary Instructor: James G. Lennox, PhD, History and Philosophy of Science

Undergraduate/Graduate Student Exams and Senior Project Supervision (University of Minnesota)

Past Course Offerings (2005–2006 at UC Santa Cruz) 

Summary of Teaching Experience as a Graduate Student