Become a Teen Teacher

Are you interested in being a teen teacher for the 4-H YTY program? 

Qualifications for student applicants:

  1.  Be a good role model for younger students.

  2.  Pledge to be alcohol and drug free.

  3.  Interested in teaching younger students in a fun and flexible way.

  4.  Willing to meet with a team to plan your lessons and evaluate them after school hours.

  5.  Able to miss some classes while teaching the 4-H Youth Teaching Youth programs.

Application procedure:

1. Fill out the online application form

2. Enroll in 4-H Online (Need help with this step? Click HERE for some instructions.)

3. Submit any dues, recommendation letters, and paper forms to your YTY coordinator.

A 4-H Program Coordinator will contact you to schedule training and teaching times!

Applications will be screened.  If you have any questions about this opportunity,  email Amy Collura at