2025 Minnesota Workshop on Ultra-High Field Imaging

Join us for the 15th Biennial workshop!

October 15-17, 2025       Training Courses: October 13-14, 2025

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Session 1: From single neuron to behaviour

Session 2: Pushing the technical limits

Session 3: 10T and higher

Session 4: fMRI beyond the brain

Session 5: uiSNR and optimal UHF arrays

Session 6: PTx and UHF applications

Session 7: Spectroscopy / Metabolic at UHF

Session 8: Connectomics UM1 Session &  UHF for
                  advancement of Science

Course 1: Engineering   

Course 2: Spectroscopy/Metabolism Imaging at UHF 

Course 3: Layer-fMRI

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss the technical issues and applications of MR imaging and spectroscopy conducted with high (≥ 3 T) and ultra-high (≥ 7 T) magnetic fields. Presentations from experts in the major areas of high field MR research will cover fundamental principles, methodology, and biomedical applications in the brain as well as the other organ systems in the body.

After attending this workshop, individuals can expect to be well informed of the advantages and limitations of high field MR and will have acquired much of the basic knowledge necessary to undertake high field MR investigations. The workshop is designed as both an educational program and a scientific forum for the presentation of the state-of-the-art research.

The intended audience includes a wide spectrum of basic and clinical scientists: cognitive scientists, physicists, radiologists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and others interested in the technical development and biomedical applications of high field MRI.