2023 Teaching with Writing Workshops

for Teaching Assistants and Graduate Instructors

In August 2023, the Writing Across the Curriculum program is pleased to offer TWO interactive workshops for graduate instructors (GI) and teaching assistants (TA), each focused on commenting and grading student writing (papers, problem sets, lab reports, presentations, posters, etc.). Commenting on and Grading Writing (August 29, 2023) is offered to Teaching Assistants who assist with faculty-directed courses, either running sections or contributing in other ways. Assigning and Assessing Writing (August 30, 2023) is offered to TAs who serve as graduate student instructors for stand-alone courses. Both events will be held in person on the Twin Cities (East Bank) campus.

Due to the interactive nature of these workshops, they will be held on campus only with no remote option. Participation is free, but you must register for one of the two sessions by August 25, 2023. 

Questions? Contact us at wac@umn.edu.

Commenting on and Grading Student Writing: Workshop for New Teaching Assistants 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 1:00–4:00 pm
Location: 312 Bruininks Hall (East Bank)

Are you new to grading student writing (essays, research papers, problem sets, online discussions, posters, lab reports…)? Wondering how to respond effectively, efficiently, and fairly? This half-day workshop is intended for teaching assistants and graders who will be responding to and grading student writing for the first time in 2023-2024. Throughout the afternoon, we’ll discuss general approaches to responding to, commenting on, and grading student writing.


You’ll have the opportunity to practice with writing samples from actual students in various disciplines, work with writing specialists to develop specific grading and commenting strategies for your course, and learn about the resources available through the Center for Writing.

Due to the interactive nature of these workshops, they will be held on campus only with no remote option. Participation is free, but you must register by August 25, 2023.  

Assigning and Assessing Student Writing: Workshop for Graduate Student Instructors 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 1:00–4:00 pm
Location: 120 Burton Hall (East Bank)

Are you a graduate student teaching a stand-alone section as the instructor of record? This half-day workshop will address strategies for integrating and assessing writing activities and assignments that will help your students learn and succeed.

Working with instructional consultants from the Writing Across the Curriculum program,  participants will have opportunities to review and discuss the components of effective writing assignments, design writing-to-learn activities, and both develop and refine responding and grading strategies. 

Due to the interactive nature of these workshops, they will be held on campus only with no remote option. Participation is free, but you must register by August 25, 2023. 

Our Facilitator:

Daniel Emery, Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, works closely with department faculty to develop and implement writing plans. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and has been a curriculum leader (Oklahoma) and director of a Writing Center (Utah).