About Us

Children’s Cancer Research Fund is a national nonprofit that funds research for better treatments and cures for childhood cancer, as well as programs that support families who are facing childhood cancer. Only 4% of federal cancer research dollars go specifically to childhood cancer research – we believe that kids deserve better.

CCRF rose from the efforts of a small group of families giving to research at the University of Minnesota. In the four decades since, we’ve expanded our reach and fund research nationally. To date, we’ve given over $194 million to childhood cancer research.

We fund researchers across the country, based on where we can make the greatest impact. We’ve funded more than 180 researchers at 30 different research institutions.

Nearly all childhood cancer survivors will have a significant health related issue by the time they are 45 years of age. Today’s therapies cause late effects like heart issues, hearing loss, cognitive delays, infertility and secondary cancers. Our research support aims to prevent those late effects from ever occurring.