Online Code of Conduct

  1. All students are expected to abide by an honor, code of conduct, and thus everyone and all are exhorted to exercise self management and self-regulation.

  2. All students are likewise guided by professional conduct as learners in attending OBD or DED courses. Any breach and violation shall be dealt with properly under existing guidelines, specifically in Section 7 (Student Discipline) in the Student Handbook.

  3. Professional conduct refers to the embodiment and exercise of the University’s Core Values, specifically in the adherence to intellectual honesty and integrity; academic excellence by giving due diligence in virtual class participation in all lectures and activities, as well as fidelity in doing and submitting performance tasks and assignments; personal discipline in complying with all deadlines; and observance of data privacy.

  4. Plagiarism is a serious intellectual crime and shall be dealt with accordingly. The University shall institute monitoring mechanisms online to detect and penalize plagiarism.

  5. Students shall independently and honestly take examinations and do assignments, unless collaboration is clearly required or permitted. Students shall not resort to dishonesty to improve the result of their assessments (e.g. examinations, assignments).

  6. Students shall not allow anyone else to access their personal LMS account.

  7. Students shall not post or share their answers, assignment or examinations to others to further academic fraudulence online.

  8. By enrolling in OBD or DED courses, students agree and abide by all the provisions of the Online Code of Conduct, as well as all the requirements and protocols in handling online courses.