Youngsun Wi

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan. I work with Professor Nima Fazeli as a member of Mmintlab. My research is centered on contact-rich manipulations, leveraging multi-modal observations (Vision, Touch, and Language).



CALAMARI: Contact-Aware and Language conditioned spatial Action MApping for contact-RIch manipulation

Youngsun Wi, Mark Van der Merwe, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Nima Fazeli

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2023


Integrated Object Deformation and Contact Patch Estimation from Visuo-Tactile Feedback

Mark Van der Merwe, Youngsun Wi, Dmitry Berenson, Nima Fazeli

Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2023


VIRDO++: Real-World, Visio-Tactile Dynamics And Perception of Deformable Objects

Youngsun Wi, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Nima Fazeli

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2022


VIRDO: VISIO-TACTILE Implicit Representations of Deformable Objects

Youngsun Wi, Andy Zeng, Pete Florence, Nima Fazeli

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022


Education & Experiences

Research Intern


Meta A.I.

fall 2024

Research Intern

NVIDIA, Robotics

summer 2024

 PhD canditate 

U of M, Robotics

2021~ current

Research Intern 

Amazon Robotics A.I.

Summer 2022


U of M,  ME


Exchange Student, 

Gatech, ME

Winter 2017




Recent News 

2023 Nov

2023 Mar

2022 May

Volunteering "Workshop on leveraging models for contact-rich manipulation" workshop at 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023) 

Invited as a speaker for UTokyo workshop -- presented VIRDO and VIRDO++.

Earned PhD Candidacy at the Robotics Department, University Michigan, Ann Arbor!

Awards and Fellowships

2024 Aug

2021 Dec

2021 Sep



Mar 2016 - Dec 2017 

Mar 2014 - Dec 2015 

Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship

Rackham International Student Fellowship

Robotics Department First Year Fellowship

Outstanding Achievement Award, the highest honor by Department of ME at KAIST for distinguished academic excellence 

Cho-Chun-Shik Graduate School of Green transportation Research scholarship 

Korea National Science and Engineering Scholarship 

Korea National Scholarship