이영문 Youngmoon Lee Ph.D.
Robotics Department (Jointly with Applied AI)
Hanyang University ERICA 5th Engineering 526(Lab) 514(Office)
Google Scholar | Linkedin | Github | CV
I am an assistant professor in the Robotics Department at Hanyang University and the founding director of the RAISE Lab (Real-time AI Systems Engineering Laboratory). We tackle challenges in Real-time AI Systems Engineering such as autonomous cars, robots, drones, and smart homes/cities. Most of our projects are open-source software available at https://github.com/RAISElab.
Interests: I am primarily a system's person interested in research problems in the area of real-time AI and ML, robotic sensing and learning, cyber-physical and embedded systems as well as mobile and cloud computing.
Bio: I received Ph. D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the RTCL at the University of Michigan and B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University. I also served as a Korea International Cooperation Agent (KOICA) in Rwanda.
2024-09-01 Niaz graduates and joins Toronto Metropolitan Univ.
Congratulations Dr. Niaz!2024-08-06 4 papers incluidng HAPtics accepted to ICPR'24
Congratulations Niaz!2024-08-03 HAPtics win Finalist Paper Award @ IJCAI'24 DLHAR
Congratulations Niaz!2024-05-20 Drone BMS accepted to ISLPED'24
Congratulations Hojun!2024-05-09 HAPtics accepted to IJCAI'24 DL-HAR
Congratulations Niaz!2024-03-01 Chanyeok joins D.DDECK as CTO
Congratulations Chanyeok!2024-03-01 Dr. Jawad Khan joins Gachon University as Assistant Professor
Congratulations Jawad!2024-01-21 RT-Swap accepted to RTAS'24 (CPSWeek'24)
Congratulations Collaborators!2024-01-10 Snapbot accepted to HRI'24
Congratulations Chanyeok!
Postdoctoral Fellows
Niaz AhmadGraduate Students
Saif Ullah
Gyurin Kim
Saeed Ullah Ph.D.
(Lecturer @ University of Derby)Hojun Choi
(Ph.D. @ University of Colorado)Jeremy Yuhyun Kim
(Research Engineer @ A Robot)Seunghwan Lee
(Founder @ Footprint)Donghyun Kwon
(Co-Founder @ Footprint)Jawad Khan Ph.D.
(Professor @ Gachon University)Chanyeok Choi
2023-11-22 MOT-AS accepted to SAC'24
Congratulations Collaborators!2023-09-29 Slack Management for Battery accepted to JSA'23
Congratulations Collaborators!2023-09-26 SSK-DNN accepted to ICDM'23 IncrLearn
Congratulations Jawad!2023-09-21 Awarded KSEE'23 Engineering Education Award
Thanks all!2023-07-10 KDC accepted to
RSS'23 Robot Representations
Congratulations Niaz!2023-06-23 Drone-AMR system won undergraduate research award at ICROS'23
Congratulations Junghan!2023-06-14 Hojun graduates and joins University of Colorado, awarded Chancellor Scholarship.
Congratulations Hojun!2023-03-24 Awarded Grant for Science Museum Exhibition R&D
Thanks NRF, MSIT!2023-03-09 SCA-HDNN accepted to IEEE Access
Congratulations Jawad!2023-03-03 Invited Talk @ ETRI Memory Disaggregation
2023-02-06~08 Organizing Systems Society Conference
Join the Club!2023-01-05 Drone BMS poster accepted to ASP-DAC'23
Congratulations Hojun!2023-01-01 Saif, Gyurin joined
Welcome Saif, Gyurin!2022-11-11 SCA-HDNN poster accepted to BigData'22
Congratulations Jawad!2022-09-09 SSK-DNN accepted to COLING W-NUT'22
Congratulations Jawad!2022-06-03 Pose for Metaverse awarded and presented at ICROS'22
Congratulations Donghyun!2022-05-25 Awarded Grant for Basic Research Lab (BRL)
Thanks NRF, MSIT!2022-04-12 Footprint funded through Tumblbug and
Startup Accelerating Package
Congratulations Seunghwan!2022-04-05 Drone Battery Management accepted to DAC'22 Congratulations Hojun!
2022-03-28 MultiPoseSeg accepted to ICPR'22 Montreal
Congratulations Niaz!2022-03-15 Awarded Grant for Battery-Aware Systems
Thanks NRF, MSIT!2022-02-18 N사 현직 개발자들의 취업 성공 스토리, Footprint Please Like and Follow!
2022-02-08 Newcomer Talk at Computer System Society
2022-01-19 Smart City and Hyper-personal Services published at IITP weekly trend
Congratulations Donghyun!
[News Coverage]2022-01-18 DNN-SAM (with DGIST, SSU, SKKU, Umich) accepted to RTAS'22
Congratulations Collaborators!2022-01-01 Chanyeok joined
Welcome Chanyeok!2021-12-24 Footprint won Startup award (1st Place) from
BK Smart City Program
Congratulations Seunghwan!2021-12-11 Hydra (with Umich, Columbia) accepted to FAST'22
Congratulations Collaborators!2021-12-01 PosePlusSeg was accepted to AAAI'22
Congratulations Niaz!2021-11-24 Seunghwan's Footprint : Career Roadmap for Developers won Startup Award
Congratulations Seunghwan!2021-09-30 Saeed appointed as Lecturer@University of Derby
Congratulations Saeed!2021-09-13 Jawad's IHFSSA was accepted to IEEE Access,
Congratulations Jawad!2021-08-13 Awarded Grant for
Grad School Lab Startup
Thanks NRF, MOE!2021-05-01 Awarded Grant for
Shared AI Robotics Center
Thanks NRF, MOE!2021-04-01 DNN Split poster (Joint with DGIST, SSU, Umich) was accepted to DAC2021
2021-03-01 BaT invited to GetMobile
2021-02-04 Thermal Utilization Bound presented in DATE2021
2021-01-01 Yuhyun Seunghwan, Donghyun, Hojun, Niaz, joined
2020-11-13 Therma Utilization Bound accepted to DATE2021
2020-11-01 Awarded Research Grant for 360VR 3D Scanner
2020-10-08 DriverAuthentication accepted to UbiComp2021
2020-09-16 BatteryThermometer presented in UbiComp2020.
2020-08-07 Awarded Grant for
BK21 Smart City
Thanks NRF, MOE!2020-06-17 Phone shutoffs (BPM) presented in MobiSys2020.
2020-06-01 Awarded Grant for Grand ICT Research Center
Thanks IITP, MSIT!2020-05-20 Awarded Research Grant for Smart Factory
Thanks KIAT, MOTIE!2020-05-01 BPM accepted to MobiSys2020
2020-03-20 Awarded Research Grant for Embedded AI Research
Thanks Hanyang University!2020-03-02 Joined Hanyang University
2020-02-23 Our battery scheduling paper accepted to TPDS2020
2020-01-17 BaT accepted to UbiComp2020
While AI becomes a winning paradigm in cyberspace, our goal is to realize state-of-the-art AI in physical space in real-time. I am interested in research problems in the area of real-time AI and ML, robotic sensing and applications, cyber-physical and embedded systems, as well as computer systems and networks. These research problems are often motivated by, and directly applicable to, real-world systems such as autonomous and electric cars, drones, robots, smart homes and cities, as well as human health and well-being.
Real-Time AI
-Vision (ICPR'24, IJCAIW'24, HRI'24, SAC'24, RSSW'23, AAAI'22, ICPR'22, RTAS'22)
-Language (ICDMW'23, COINGW'22)Cyber-Physical System
-Battery Management System (ISLPED'24, JSA'23, DAC'22, MobiSys'20, UbiComp'20, ICCPS'19, RTSS'16)
-Dynamic Thermal Management (DATE '21, EMSOFT'19, EMSOFT'18, ISLPED'17)
-Resource Disaggregation (RTAS'24, FAST'22, NSDI'17, SIGCOMMW'17)
-Cyber Physical Security (UbiComp'21)
Robotic Intelligence (Spring 2023~)
Robotic Vision System (Fall 2021~)
Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2020~)
Computer System (Spring 2020~2021)
Digital Signal Processing (Fall 2020)
Real-Time Battery-of-Things (기초연구실), NRF (MSIT) 2022R1A4A3018824, 2022~2025
Data-driven BMS for EVs (기초연구), NRF (MIST) 2022R1G1A1003531, 2022~2025
Security Graduate Program (융합보안대학원), IITP(MSIT) , RS-2024-00423071 2024~2027
Applied AI Graduate Program (인공지능융합혁신인재양성), IITP (MSIT) RS-2022-00155885, 2022~2025
Grand ICT Research Center (그랜드ICT연구센터), IITP (MSIT) IITP-2022-2020-0-101741, 2020~2027
Robot Docent R&D (과학관전시서비스연구개발), NRF (MSIT) RS-2023-00230593, 2023~2023
SHARE Intelligent Robotics Center (지능형로봇혁신융합대학), NRF (MOE) 2021~2027
BK21 Grant for Smart City (BK21교육연구단), NRF (MOE) 2020~2024
Lab Startup Program (실험실특화형창업선도대학) NRF(MOE) 2021~2022
Smart Manufacturing Talent Program (스마트제조고급인력양성), KIAT(MOTIE) 2020~2021
Full List
Conference Papers
HAPtics: Human Action Prediction in Live via Pose Kinematics
Niaz Ahmad, Saif Ullah, Jawad Khan, Chanyeok Choi and Youngmoon Lee
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kolkata, India, 2024 (ICPR 2024)Specular Region Detection and Covariant Feature Extraction in Endoscopy Imaging
D M Bappy, Donghwa Kang, Jinkyu Lee, Youngmoon Lee, Minsuk Koo, Hyeongboo Baek
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kolkata, India, 2024 (ICPR 2024)Advanced Endoscopy Imaging with Automatic Feedback
D M Bappy, Donghwa Kang, Jinkyu Lee, Youngmoon Lee, Minsuk Koo, Hyeongboo Baek
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kolkata, India, 2024 (ICPR 2024)Deep Prior Based Limited-Angle Tomography
D M Bappy, Donghwa Kang, Jinkyu Lee, Youngmoon Lee, Hyeongboo Baek
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kolkata, India, 2024 (ICPR 2024)Causes and Fixes of Unexpected Drone Shutoffs
Hojun Choi, Chanyeok Choi, Youngmoon Lee
ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, Newport Beach, USA, 2024 (ISLPED 2024)RT-Swap: Addressing GPU Memory Bottlenecks for Real-Time Multi-DNN Inference
Woosung Kang, Jinkyu Lee, Youngmoon Lee, Sangeun Oh, Kilho Lee, Hoon Sung Chwa
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Hong Kong, 2024 (RTAS 2024)Snapbot: Enabling Dynamic Human Robot Interactions for Real-Time Computational Photography
Chanyeok Choi, Jeonghan Kim, Yunjae Nam, Youngmoon Lee
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, Boulder, USA, 2024 (HRI 2024)MOT-AS: Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Multi-Object Tracking Capturing Accuracy and Stability
Donghwa Kang, Kilho Lee, Cheolho Hong, Youngmoon Lee, Jinkyu Lee and Hyeongboo Baek
ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Avila, Spain, 2024 (SAC 2024)Thermal-Aware Drone Battery Management: Late Breaking Results
Hojun Choi, Youngmoon Lee
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2022 (DAC 2022)MultiPoseSeg: Feedback Knowledge Transfer for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation [Code]
Niaz Ahmad, Jawad Khan, Jeremy Yuhyun Kim, Youngmoon Lee
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, Canada, 2022 (ICPR 2022)DNN-SAM: Split-and-Merge DNN Execution for Real-Time Object Detection
Woosung Kang*, Siwoo Jung*, Jeremy Yuhyun Kim, Youngmoon Lee, Kilho Lee, Jinkyu Lee, Kang G. Shin, Hoon Sung Chwa
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Milano, Italy, 2022 (RTAS 2022)Joint Human Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with PosePlusSeg [Code] [News Coverage]
Niaz Ahmad, Jawad Khan, Jeremy Yuhyun Kim, Youngmoon Lee
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, 2022 (AAAI 2022)Hydra : Resilient and Highly Available Remote Memory [Code]
Youngmoon Lee*, Hasan Al Maruf*, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Asaf Cidon, Kang G. Shin
USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, Santa Clara, USA, 2022 (FAST 2022)Thermal-Aware Design and Management of Embedded Real-Time Systems
Youngmoon Lee
ACM/IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference, Grenoble, France, 2021 (DATE 2021)Authenticating Drivers Using Automotive Batteries
Liang He, Dongyao Chen, Youngmoon Lee, Yuanchao Shu, Kang G. Shin
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, All Over the World, 2021 (UbiComp 2021)Causes and Fixes of Unexpected Phone Shutoffs [News Coverage]
Youngmoon Lee, Liang He, Kang G. Shin
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Application and Services, Toronto, Canada, 2020 (MobiSys 2020)
Mobile Device Batteries as Thermometers
Liang He, Youngmoon Lee, Kang G. Shin
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Cancun, Mexico, 2020 (UbiComp 2020)
Thermal-Aware Scheduling for Integrated CPUs–GPU Platforms
Youngmoon Lee, Hoon Sung Chwa, Kang G. Shin
ACM Conference on Embedded Software, New York, USA, 2019 (EMSOFT 2019)
Environment-Aware Estimation of Battery State-of-Charge for Mobile Devices
Liang He, Youngmoon Lee, Eugene Kim, Kang G. Shin
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Montreal, Canada, 2019 (ICCPS 2019)
Thermal-Aware Resource Management for Embedded Real-Time Systems
Youngmoon. Lee, Hoon Sung Chwa, Kang G. Shin, Shige Wang
ACM Conference on Embedded Software, Torino, Italy, 2018 (EMSOFT 2018)
Efficient Thermoelectric Cooling for Mobile Devices
Youngmoon Lee, Eugene Kim, Kang G. Shin
IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017 (ISLPED 2017)
Efficient Memory Disaggregation with Infiniswap
Juncheng Gu, Youngmoon Lee, Yiwen Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Kang G. Shin
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, USA, 2017 (NSDI 2017)
Offline Guarantee and Online Management of Power Demand and Supply in Cyber-Physical Systems
Eugene Kim, Jinkyu Lee, Liang He, Youngmoon Lee, Kang G. Shin
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Porto, Portugal, 2016 (RTSS 2016)
Workshop Papers
Real-Time Human Action Prediction via Pose Kinematics [Finalist Paper Award]
Niaz Ahmad, Saif Ullah, Jawad Khan, and Youngmoon Lee
IJCAI Workshop Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition, Jeju, Korea, 2024SSK-DNN: Semantic and Sentiment Knowledge for Incremental Text Sentiment Classification
Jawad Khan, Niaz Ahmad, Chanyeok Choi, Saif Ullah, Gyurin Kim, and Youngmoon Lee
IEEE ICDM Workshop Incrlearn, Shanghai, China, 2023Keypoints as Dynamic Centroids: Centroid based Human Pose and Segmentation
Niaz Ahmad, Jawad Khan, Youngmoon Lee
RSS Workshop Robot Representations, Daegu, Korea, 2023Leveraging Semantic and Sentiment Knowledge for User-Generated Text Sentiment Classification [Code]
Jawad Khan, Niaz Ahmad, Aftab Alam and Youngmoon Lee
COLING Workshop Noisy User-generated Text, Gyeongju, Korea, 2022Performance Isolation Anomalies in RDMA
Yiwen Zhang, Juncheng Gu, Youngmooon Lee, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Kang G. Shin
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop Kernel-Bypass Networks, Los Angeles, USA, 2017
Journal Articles
Battery-Aging-Aware Run-Time Slack Management for Power-Consuming Real-Time Systems
Jaeheon Kwak, Kyunghoon Kim, Youngmoon Lee, Insik Shin, Jinkyu Lee
Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023Sentiment and Context-Aware Hybrid DNN with Attention for Text Sentiment Classification
Jawad Khan, Niaz Ahmad, Shah Khalid, Farman Ali, Youngmoon Lee
IEEE Access, 2023Intelligent Hybrid Feature Selection forTextual Sentiment Classification
Jawad Khan, Aftab Alam, Youngmoon Lee
IEEE Access, 2021Authenticating Drivers Using Automotive Batteries
Liang He, Dongyao Chen, Youngmoon Lee, Yuanchao Shu, Kang G. Shin
ACM Proceedings on Interactive Mobile Wearable Ubiquitous Technology, 4(4), 2020Power Guarantee for Electric Systems Using Real-Time Scheduling
Eugene Kim, Youngmoon Lee, Liang He, Kang G. Shin, Jinkyu Lee
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems , 31(8), 2020
Mobile Device Batteries as Thermometers
Liang He, Youngmoon Lee, Kang G. Shin
ACM Proceedings on Interactive Mobile Wearable Ubiquitous Technology, 4(1), 2020
Thermal-Aware Scheduling for Integrated CPUs–GPU Platforms
Youngmoon Lee, Hoon Sung Chwa, Kang G. Shin
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18(5s), 2019
Thermal-aware Resource Management for Embedded Real-time Systems
Youngmoon Lee, Hoon sung Chwa, Kang. G. Shin, Shige Wang
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37(11), 2018
Invited Papers
Mobile Device Batteries as Thermometers
Liang He, Youngmoon Lee, Kang G. Shin
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications 2021Decentralized Memory Disaggregation Over Low-Latency Networks
Juncheng Gu, Youngmoon Lee, Yiwen Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Kang G. Shin
USENIX login, Vol. 42, No. 4 , Winter 2017
Thermal and QoS-Aware Embedded Systems
Youngmoon Lee
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Michigan 2019Machine Learning and GPU Acceleration based on Artificial Neural Network for Pedestrian Detection
Youngmoon Lee
Bachelor's Thesis, Seoul National University 2014
2020~ Assistant Professor, Robotics Department @ Hanyang University, Korea
2016 Research Engineer, Electronic Control Lab @ General Motors R&D, USA
2014 Software Engineer, In-Memory DB Lab @ SAP Labs, Korea
2013 Hardware Engineer @ AP Solution Lab, Samsung Mobile, Korea
2013 Visiting Scholar, Advanced Material Lab @ École des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
2012 Visiting Scholar, Space Center @ University of Surrey, United Kingdom
2012 Visiting Scholar, Spin and Energy Lab @ National University of Singapore, Singapore
2009 International Cooperation Agent, KOICA @ ESSA Ruhengeri, Rwanda