Sommer Albert

"Mad Girl's Love Song: A Heuristic Inquiry into Queer Women's Experiences of Having A Crush"

Thesis Advisor: Allison Alexy

Second Reader: Jennifer Jones

Abstract (click to expand)

This study investigated the experience and meaning of having a crush for queer women by conducting semi-structured interviews with eleven queer women at the University of Michigan. I specifically wanted to determine how each participant understood their experience of having a crush. Additionally, I aimed to describe how the space of having a crush is a distinct space through elevating the narratives of these eleven participants. I found that each participant derived personal importance and meaning from having a crush. There were also larger themes about the experience of having a crush across the participants. These results suggest that the experience of having a crush is both unique and communal. Thirty-five themes about the experience of having a crush were found. These themes were combined into eleven categories: (1) Descriptive Characteristics, (2) Oppositions, (3) Ideal Fantasies, (4) Environmental Effects, (5) Psychological Effects, (6) Behavioral Effects, (7) Communication, (8) Fear, (9) Time, (10) Media, (11) Adverse Effects.