World of News

Welcome to the confusing world of news!


If you’re looking for the best place to find news that fits your needs as a University of Michigan student or any university student, you’re in the right place. I spent an entire semester researching information and news sources to best meet the news needs of University of Michigan students to ultimately present the most comprehensive and easy to use information to find the news you need. To hear more about my process, follow the path below to learn about where the project started and how it ultimately led me to my final product.

Below is an interactive flow chart that will take you through a series of questions to best find a source of news or information that fits your needs. If you’re looking for political news or commentary, start below! If you’re looking for the latest fashion trends and information, start below! If you want the latest breaking news about sports both nationally and in the Ann Arbor area, start below!

Find the information and news you’re looking for below: