What is CQE?

A major milestone for PhD students is to pass the Comprehensive Qualifying Exam (CQE). The CQE is a comprehensive oral exam that primarily includes a research component as well as technical questions regarding core courses. The student submits a standard IEEE conference paper format document describing their research and delivers an oral presentation describing a research problem. Following the presentation two faculty members will question the student on their understanding of their subject.

Recent CQE Instructions

The following two links are recent CQE instructions. Every year, the instruction will be sent out around April and October. It includes the submission timeline and grading criteria.

2023 Fall

2023 Winter

2022 Fall

Presentation Guideline for CQE

Presentation structure:

Length: The presentation should be 25-30 minutes in length. Leave time for examiners to ask questions.

Keep in mind

Sample Questions for CQE

Some common questions asked by examiners:

CQE Panel Notes

CQE Advice