Women+ in Robotics and Engineering  (WiRE+)

Welcome to Women+ in Robotics and Engineering (WiRE+) at the University of Michigan! We are interested in building a stronger community amongst students identifying as women in UM Robotics and Engineering. We meet regularly, support each other, and have fun together! 

Up Coming Events

Coffee Hour with Robotics Department Chair Prof. Dawn Tilbury

Thursday, April 25th 11am-12pm

Ford Robotics Building room 2300

Trivia Night with GeMA

Wednesday, March 27th 7pm, Haymaker

Monthly Outing -Blom

Friday, March 22th, 8pm

Join us!

Join our community by filling out this sign-up form. We'll add you into the slack channel where we announce events and discuss issues on it. You are also welcome to join our weekly social (time announced in the slack channel, meeting time changes every semester), and join our events!  


Anonymous advice and feedback form: https://forms.gle/74yPTdQmp5WrLeg47

Not sure about what we do or not sure if you can join? Don't hesitate to contact us!

WiRE+ officer team: umichwireplus@gmail.com

Alia Gilbert: galia@umich.edu

Cynthia Lin: chienerh@umich.edu