
Meet our leadership team!

Justine Barnard

VP of Registration

I'm a junior majoring in philosophy on the pre-law track. As students, we need to know that our vote and participation in democracy counts. TUT is meaningful to me because it allows me to work closely with passionate individuals committed to encouraging civic engagement.

Maurielle Courtois


Antonina Dreist

Creative Director & Research Assistant

Senior at Umich-Dearborn majoring in Political Science. I love TUT because it has opened doors for me professionally and personally. It's part of the reason I have the job I do (working for the mayor of Dearborn). It has also helped with my presentation and research skills, as well as given me a space for professional development.

Professor Edie Goldenberg

Faculty Advisor

Ciera Hammond

Graduate Student Research Assistant

Phoebe Henninger

Graduate Student Research Assistant

PhD Candidate in Political Science. TUT gives me the opportunity to practice research that has real-world impact and to work with amazing students on all three University of Michigan campuses.

Penny Kane

Graduate Student Research Assistant

Rose Reilly


Ethan Woodcox

VP of Education