Electrical and Computer Engineering Student Ambassador Program

September 2018 - April 2019: I represented the ECE department as a graduate student ambassador. I volunteered in various events, such as helping out at alumni lectures, attending lunches with prospective students and alumni members, and speaking at a graduate school panel for undergraduates.

Major League Hackathons

November 2016: My team was awarded 1st Place at Georgetown University. We constructed a low-cost wind tunnel that serves as an alternative to more complex and higher-priced wind tunnels. Overall, I incorporated sensing technologies to measure wind speed, temperature, and humidity of the air and to view the air around an object inside the wind tunnel. In addition, I programmed the sensors and the motor in C through the Arduino and interfaced with the webcam in Python and OpenCV through the Raspberry Pi.

November 2016: My team was awarded the most out-of-the-box project at Princeton University. We constructed a magic mirror that displays information about the weather, current date and time, social media, news, and nearby events. The mirror works by placing a monitor behind a two-way mirror and displays information using multiple APIs. Additionally, we integrated a Microsoft Kinect to allow users more functionality with the mirror through hand gestures, and we hosted our project with Azure.