Thomas Coons

University of Michigan Engineering

UQ-SciML Lab

Hello, world!

Welcome to my personal webpage! I am second-year PhD student at the University of Michigan pursuing a joint doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing. 

As a member of the UMich Uncertainty Quantification & Scientific Machine Learning Group, my research focuses on uncertainty quantification for scientific and engineering models. Specifically, I am interested in accelerating computationally expensive problems such as Bayesian model-based experimental design via novel techniques such as multifidelity methods. One application area of particular interest to me is turbulent fluid flows, which are often predicted via either incredibly expensive simulations or less-accurate solvers utilizing reduced-order or simplified physics models.

I find great joy in learning across disciplines and continuously scoping new work. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Personal Interests


Outside of school and research, I spend most of my free time training for powerlifting competitions. As part of the University of Michigan Powerlifting team, I represented UMich in the 75kg class at Collegiate Nationals in Lombard, Illinois in 2022. In addition, I coach a handful of athletes and enjoy learning about the science of drug-free strength and fitness in general. My competition bests are a 225kg (496lbs) squat, 145kg (319lb) bench press, and a 272.5kg (601lb) deadlift.


Thanks to my friend Henry Stevens (Ph.D. student at Georgetown), birdwatching has become a fun hobby for me. In addition to being a great excuse to for a weekend trip to the outdoors, I have a couple hundred species of birds on my life list! Shown are a pair of Osprey found in Sanibel, Florida.