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Please note, Registration for the Global Operations Conference is now closed. The Thursday night event is at capacity. We will be accepting walk-in registrations Friday morning.
GOC Conference Co-Chairs:
Corinne Beemer (EGL: BSE/MSE-IOE '19)
Jeffrey Eyler (MBA '19)
Sponsorship Co-Chairs:
Austin Friedant (EGL: BSE-ME/MSE-ME '19)
Kelsey Wyatt-Mair (MBA '19)
Speakers and Panelists Co-Chairs:
Mary Grace Pelligrini (MBA '19)
Tom Walkinshaw (EGL: BSE-ME/MSE-ESE '19)
Case Competition Co-Chairs:
Abhishek Gowrishanker (MSE-GAME '18)
Colin McNally (MBA '19)
Corporate Recruiting Co-Chairs:
Jenna Locricchio (EGL: BSE-IOE/MSE-IOE '19)
Steven Oranges (MBA '19)
Marketing Co-Chairs:
Matthew Hildner (MSE-ME '18)
Erica Kirshensteyn (MBA '19)
Alumni Relations Co-Chairs:
Mark Hardin (MBA '19)
Megan Liu (EGL: BSE-MSE/MSE-IOE '18)
Logistics and Internal Planning Co-Chairs:
Makura Compton (MBA '19)
Christopher Hudson (EGL: BSE-IOE/MSE-IOE '19)
The Tauber Institute for Global Operations is more than a world class institute. Our mission is to be the recognized leader in operations theory, practice and dissemination of knowledge. The Tauber Institute is a joint venture between the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the College of Engineering, and many industry partners to facilitate cross-disciplinary education in global operations management.
For more information about the Tauber Institute and the program, please visit the website: