STEVE SMALE 94rd Birthday Party 

Date: July 15, 2024

Start Time: 11:00 AM EDT (8:00 AM PDT) 

Projected End Time: 12:00 PM EDT (9:00 AM PDT)

Location: Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 6022 8750

Brief Presentations

 Steve Smale: Remarks on Kuramoto Equations

Mike Shub: Morse-Smale System and Entropy  Conjecture

Michael Xuan: Smale Institute - 2025

Open Mic

The article on how Dr. Smale got involved in Dynamical Systems 

On how I got started in dynamical systems

Home July 14, 2024

Steve Smale. "Mathematical problems for the next century." The mathematical intelligencer 20.2 (1998)

Photos from the Party