Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I get involved?

To get involved in SEEK, fill out the volunteer interest form to be added to our listservs and receive information about future SEEK events (ex. event/volunteer signup sheets). New entries to the form will be added to the listserv at the end of every month.

Q: What happens after I've signed up to volunteer at a SEEK lesson?

Once you have signed up to volunteer, approximately 1-2 weeks before the event date SEEK will host a training session for all volunteers. The training is usually held virtually. During the training session, we will cover how volunteers should introduce themselves to the kids, how volunteer's should manage the classroom, and all the activities and material for that specific lesson. We highly encourage your attendance to the training as it will help you be more familiar with the lesson content, event organization and activities.

Q: Does SEEK prepare the lesson content and materials?

Yes! SEEK leadership prepares all lesson content and materials beforehand. Volunteers will be given a detailed teaching manual/script. Volunteers should study the detailed teaching manual/script before class.

Q: Will I be the only one teaching a group of kids?

No, you will not be the only one teaching! SEEK leaders will assign volunteers to groups. Within a group, 2-4 volunteers will be teaching a group of ~20 kids.

Q: I don’t have a car, can I still volunteer?

Yes, SEEK leaders will send a carpool sheet a week from the event date. Leadership members or other volunteers will be able to give you a ride to and from the school. After you fill out the carpool sheet, drivers should arrange with their passengers a meeting location and time to depart.

Q: What do I wear to a SEEK event?

What you wear every day to the lab is fine, something that would likely adhere to elementary school dress codes. Not a lab coat! You want to be approachable, be someone that students can identify with.

Q: Do I need to have prior teaching experience to volunteer at a SEEK event?

No, we don't require our volunteers to have experience teaching kids. We can teach you and give you a few tips and tricks at training sessions! If you do have experience, that is great!

Q: Can I get involved in curriculum editing?

If you would like to help SEEK leadership in updating lesson content, email us at We recommend future curriculum editors to volunteer and teach in SEEK events prior to editing lessons.