SCoPE Reports

A major goal of the SCoPE project was to provide relevant and actionable data in a timely manner back to our school and district partners. Here are examples of four reports at different levels. In addition, subsets of the data were discussed with teachers through Professional Learning Communities.

1a. Preliminary Report Sample.pdf

Site-Level Preliminary Report Year 1

This report provides baseline data from the student and teacher surveys at the first wave. This report was generated for each school site. Data are reported in the aggregate at the item- and scale- level.

1b. Preliminary Report Sample 2.pdf

Site-Level Preliminary Report Year 2

This report provides data from the student and teacher surveys across three waves of data collection. This report was generated only for Site 1 (the other sites only participated in one round of data collection due to Covid-19). Data are reported in the aggregate at the item- and scale- level.

1c. Supplemental Report Sample.pdf

Site-Level Supplementary Report

This report provides mini-reports, including: 1) summaries of the professional learning community goals and discussions, 2) preliminary themes from the teacher interviews, and 3) high-level considerations from the survey results. The purpose of this report was to use data from multiple sources to make actionable recommendations to school teacher teams and administrators based on project learnings.

1d. District Summary Sample.pdf

District-Level Summary Report

This report provided our district-level partners with a cross-site overview of the student survey and teacher survey data.