Accepted papers

01. Yiwei Lyu, Wenhao Luo, John M. Dolan. Adaptive Safe Behavior Generation for Heterogeneous Autonomous Vehicles Using Parametric-Control Barrier Functions. [PDF] [Video]

02. Jesse Jiang, Ye Zhao, Samuel Coogan. Safe Learning for Uncertainty-Aware Legged Locomotion via Interval MDP Abstraction. [PDF] [Video]

03. Matti Vahs, Christian Pek, Jana Tumova. Gaussian Belief Space Planning Under Temporal Logic Specifications. [PDF] [Video]

04. Prem Chand, Sushant Veer, Ioannis Poulakakis. Towards Interactive Dynamic Walking: Gait Switching Policies with PAC-Bayes Generalization Guarantees. [PDF] [Video]

05. Dario Mantegazza, Alessandro Giusti, Luca M. Gambardella, Andrea Rizzoli, Jérôme Guzzi. Challenges in Visual Anomaly Detection for Mobile Robots. [PDF] [Video]

06. David Rohr, Nicholas Lawrance, Olov Andersson, Roland Siegwart. Credible Online Dynamics Learning for UAVs. [PDF] [Video]

07. Aastha Acharya, Rebecca Russell, Nisar R. Ahmed. Uncertainty Quantification for Competency Assessment of Autonomous Agents. [PDF] [Video]

08. Sin Yong Tan, Weisi Fan, Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Soumik Sarkar. Enhancing System-level Safety for Perception Model via Feedback Learning. [PDF] [Video]

09. Sudarshan S. Harithas, Rishabh Dev Yadav, Deepak Singh, Arun Kumar Singh, K. Madhava Krishna. CCO-VOXEL: Chance Constrained Optimization over Uncertain Voxel-Grid Representation for Safe Trajectory Planning. [PDF] [Video]

10. Nicholas Rober, Michael Everett, Jonathan P. How. Backward Reachability Analysis for Neural Feedback Loops. [PDF] [Video]

11. Bryan Convens, Kelly Merckaert, Marco M. Nicotra, Bram Vanderborght. Explicit Reference Governors for Provably Safe Robot Control. [PDF] [Video]

12. Anil Alan, Ersin Daş, Tamas G. Molnar, Aaron D. Ames, Gábor Orosz. Input-to-State Safety with Disturbance Observer-Based Control Barrier Functions. [PDF] [Video]

13. Guangyi Liu, Christoforos Somarakis, and Nader Motee. Origins of Risk of Cascading Collisions in Platoon of Autonomous Cars. [PDF] [Video]

14. Elia Kaufmann, Davide Scaramuzza. Sim-to-Real Transfer for High-Speed Quadrotor Flight. [PDF] [Video]

15. Drew Hanover, Davide Scaramuzza. Adaptive Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotors. [PDF] [Video]

16. Zongyao Lyu, Nolan B. Gutierrez, and William J. Beksi. Evaluating Uncertainty Calibration for Open-Set Recognition. [PDF] [Video]

17. Kunal S. Narkhede, Abhijeet M. Kulkarni, Dhruv A. Thanki and Ioannis Poulakakis. Reactive Motion Planning with Digit: A Sequential MPC Approach. [PDF] [Video]

18. Katherine Shih and Aaron Steinfeld. Safety in Indoor Navigation for Guide Robots. [PDF] [Video]

19. Cameron Hickert, Cathy Wu. Reinforcement Learning for Empirical Supervision Scaling of Autonomous Vehicles. [PDF] [Video]

20. Andrea Tagliabue, Jonathan P. How. Output Feedback Tube MPC-Guided Data Augmentation for Robust, Efficient Sensorimotor Policy Learning. [PDF] [Video]