April 21, 2021

Rho Chi Townhall

7:00pm - 8:00pm EST

Strategies for Effective Virtual and In-Person Networking

Learn how to effectively network in virtual and in-person settings. Students will learn the tips for social events, how to keep conversations going, and best practices for following up.

Creating and Optimizing a Professional Digital Footprint

Students will discover ways to develop their online brand, ways to make your profiles stand out, learn about the 5 measures of an online profile, and the importance of recommendations.

Charting a Career Path

Learn what to consider when choosing a career path, how to prepare for your career, what some non-traditional career paths are available, and what careers and skills will be needed in the future

Exploring Creation of a National Student Executive Council (SEC)

Explore the Rho Chi mission and vision and how it can support your SEC. Learn about the importance of staying involved with the National Chapter, the Executive Council, and ways to utilize participant feedback.

Creating Engagement within your Chapters and with Alumni

Discuss how your chapter can effectively engage with Rho Chi Alumni, learn best practices from other chapters, and what the next steps your chapter can take to stay connected.

News for Advisors from the National Office

Questions from advisors and students will be addressed live during this session.

Workshop Leaders

Lindsay Brust-Sisti

Lindsay Brust-Sisti is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. She is highly engaged in and supports multiple student-led initiatives within the community and at the School.

Bradley Cannon

Bradley Cannon is Assistant Professor and Director of Experiential Education at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science’s College of Pharmacy. He has an extensive background in mentoring and instructional design, focusing primarily on faculty development and active learning.

Patrick Chan

Patrick Chan is the Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management and an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at Western University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy.

Cindy Diakow

Cindy Diakow is the Program Manager for The Rho Chi Society and oversees the day-to-day operations of the National Office.

Karen Farris

Karen Farris is the executive vice-president for The Rho Chi Society and oversees the National Office. She is Professor at the Univesity of Michigan College of Pharmacy.

Scott Hanes

Scott Hanes is Vice-Dean at Rosalind Franklin University. In addition to academia, he can provide perspective on careers in the pharmaceutical industry and hospital-based clinical practice.

Lynette Moser

Lynette Moser is the Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Wayne State University. Prior to entering university administration, she maintained a clinical practice that ranged from the cardiovascular ICU to ambulatory heart failure clinics.

Dan Robinson

Dan Robinson is Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Western University of Health Sciences. He has 35 years of experience as a licensed pharmacist and health care educator and 24 years of experience in academic and health care administration.

Emmanuelle Schwartzman

Emmanuelle Schwartzman is the President for The Rho Chi Society, Advisor of the Gamma Sigma Chapter, and an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administration at Western University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy

Andy Smith

Andy Smith is a Clinical Associate Professor at UMKC School of Pharmacy. His specialty is cardiology medicine, and his clinical practice site is with the cardiology service at Truman Medical Center at Hospital Hill. He recently served as the chair of the ACCP Education and Training PRN and completed his term as national secretary of the Rho Chi Society.

Lucio Volino

Lucio Volino is the President-elect for the Rho Chi Society and advisor to the Alpha Eta chapter at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He is a Clinical Associate Professor and the Assessment Director for the School of Pharmacy. He also serves as an advisor to and mentors leaders within NCPA and IPhO student chapters.

Cathy Worrall

Cathy Worrall is the Associate Dean for Admissions & Students Affairs and a Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Outcomes Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina. She works with student organization leaders to host career development programming, including "How to Work a Room."

Special Thank You to Our Student Moderators!

Charmaine Bernardo

Justin Bladecki

Alexis Couch

Gage Dixon

Stephy Lee

Tracy Ly

Kelly Reitmeyer

Drew Sauck

Sarah Wyatt