University of Maryland  Robert H. Smith School of Business

I am a an Assistant Professor in the Management & Organization department at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. I received a joint PhD in Strategy and Political Science from the University of Michigan, a MSc in Political Economy from the London School of Economics, and a Bachelor's degree in Government from Dartmouth College. 

My interests lie at the intersection of political attitudes, diversity, and recruiting. I am especially interested in how employers adjust recruiting strategy in response to political polarization and demographic diversity and how these strategies contribute to labor market segregation by political partisanship, gender, and race. In an ongoing set of projects, I am documenting the extent, origins, and consequences of workers sorting by political partisanship in the United States labor market. 

My work has been published or accepted for publication in Administrative Science Quarterly, the Strategic Management Journal, and the Journal of Politics and has been recognized with various best paper awards.  I was a Strategic Research Foundation Dissertation Scholar and a recipient of a Knowledge Grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. I was a finalist in the 2022 Organization Science/INFORMS Dissertation Proposal Competition.
