Call for Papers

The Post-API Conference II: Social media Data Acquisition 

Organizing committee

Daniel Angus, Queensland University of Technology

Deen Freelon, University of Pennsylvania

Josephine Lukito, University of Texas at Austin

Bree McEwan, University of Toronto Mississauga 

Josh Pasek, University of Michigan

Conference details

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

QUT Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane, Australia

9am - 4pm

Social media data and other digital traces has contributed a wealth of information to academic researchers who have engaged with this data in order to study relational processes, public health, migration, well-being, global challenges, and other important aspects of the human experience. Although social media data has clear implications for public good research and scholarship on social media platforms, and transparency is key to understanding the influence of these channels on people and democracies, the private and proprietary nature of digital data means that access has survived in an uncomfortable and unpredictable flux for years. Recent contractions of API access have led to an existential crisis for social media researchers. 

Following on the heels of the successful conversation at the first Post-API Conference (UPenn, October 2023) we’re looking to continue to convene some of the brightest minds working on these issues across disciplines to help identify the most viable solutions and alternatives.

Consider the following developments from the past 12 months:

If your research pipeline has been caught in the crossfire of these and similar developments, we welcome your participation in the Post-API Conference II. This conference will continue the nontraditional structure from last year while also providing additional workshop time for presenting and non-presenting participants and presentations from large-scale projects and organizations working to improve researcher data access and continued discussion of these issues. 

Potential participants can choose one of the following submission types: 

Submission Information

Applicants interested in giving a lightning talk should submit a memo (no more than 1 page single spaced) describing their topic. We encourage participants to think broadly here: for example, you could discuss a project that failed because you could not gather the data, impending concerns about studying a particular platform, concerns regarding non-traditional data collection methods, or new data collection software you developed. In your proposal, please indicate which panel you feel best fits your talk. You may also apply to attend the conference without submitting a lightning talk proposal, but preference will be given to those who submit proposals.

Submissions are due by Friday, March 15, 2024 at midnight Pacific Daylight Time/PDT (UTC -700). Please submit your proposal in MS Word or PDF format by clicking the following link:

Post-API Conference submission form: 

Due to the sensitive nature of some of the conversations that may take place we are encouraging in-person attendance and will unfortunately not be able to offer a virtual attendance option. 

Author teams for which multiple authors wish to attend the conference should designate one team member to submit their proposal. Every individual who wishes to attend must submit their own separate application. Please send any questions to