
The linked lives of families.

Demographic shifts in life expectancy, family structure, and gendered patterns of employment converge to create new and ever-changing forms of social inequality. My research is concerned with how, in this changing demographic environment, enduring norms and expectations around families and for individual family members function across two main areas of interest 1) family demography and health inequality across the life course, and 2) caregiving and intergenerational inequality. 

My articles have been published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, The Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, The Journal of Aging & Social Policy, Gender & Society, Population Studies, and Socius. See a full list here

I review for many journals across my broad areas of interest (aging, families, gender/work) and am on the editorial board at the Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences and the Journal of Aging & Social Policy.

Patterson CV Updated February 2024.pdf