Current research interests:

Simulation and Analysis of Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Joint work with Dr. Erhan Bayraktar and Dr. Asaf Cohen  at University of Michigan.


Machine-learning approaches to high-dimensional control problems

Joint work with Dr. Erhan Bayraktar and Dr. Asaf Cohen  at University of Michigan.

[SIFIN] [arXiv] [Github]

Macroeconomic pandemic modeling with behavioral components

Joint work with Dr. Erhan Bayraktar and Dr. Asaf Cohen  at University of Michigan.

[MDPI] [arXiv] [Michigan News] [Michigan Minds Podcast] [Github]

Uncertainty quantification in piecewise-deterministic Markov processes

Joint work with Dr. Alexander Vladimirsky, Dr. Elliot Cartee, Antonio Farah, and Jacob Van Hook at Cornell University, 2018 NSF REU.

[SIAM JUQ] [arXiv


