Naichen Shi

About me

I am a PhD student at IOE in the University of Michigan, advised by professor Dr. Al Kontar. My research interests include optimization, machine learning, and their applications, especially in manufacturing systems. 


Research Topics

I am interested in a wide range of topics in bringing in AI and statistical techniques into advanced manufacturing. 

1. Learning with heterogeneity

When data are collected from different but related sources, can we identify their common features and source-specific ones? 

We use a series of techniques from matrix factorization and tensor factorization to recover the shared and unique low-rank features. These features are helpful in several interesting applications.  For example, in laser-based metal powder additive manufacturing, the layer-wise shared features characterize the signature process, while the unique features indicate anomalies.

2. Physics-informed generative model

Can we use physics knowledge to guide the generative models so that the generated samples conform with the physics principles?

We leverage conditional diffusion models to integrate the information from physics simulations with diffusion models. The model can help predict the temperature distribution of additive manufacturing.

3. Adaptize stepsize optimization

Almost every ML/AL practitioner uses adaptive stepsize optimization algorithms (e.g., Adam). I am interested in the theoretical properties of these optimizers: Can they converge? Why do they become popular? Can they be improved? 

As the first step, we show, both theoretically and numerically, that the good performance of RMSprop and Adam is contingent on the appropriate choice of the exponential averaging parameter. 




