Jegichagi (제기차기)

Jegichagi is another Korean traditional game that is played during Chuseok. “제기"(Jegi) means the the equipment we use for the game that looks like a badminton shuttlecock. “차기” (Chagi) means to kick. However, the history of this game is unknown. Some say that it originated from young martial artists who were training by kicking a small leather pouch in the air. Others say that it was developed from China during the Han Dynasty and this game was known as Cuju. Later, Goguryeo people in Korea played this game, which became the present day game of jegichagi. Today jegichagi is losing its popularity in Korea, which is why it has become a requirement for children in third and fourth grade to learn this game during physical education. Both adults and children play this game! It can be played both alone and in groups. The game is really simple and also really fun to play!


  • Jegi (similar to a shuttlecock)

  • Alternative: Make your own jegi using:

    • 4 to 5 coins

    • Plastic grocery bag

    • Rubber band or twist tie

    • Scissors

How to Play

  • Throw the jegi up into the air and using the inside of your foot, kick the jegi as many times as you can consecutively without the jegi touching the ground. The player who kicks the jegi the most wins!

Groups: All players stand in a circle and take turns kicking the jegi without letting it fall.