Selected Publications for researchers

Books Chapters

Monte-Sano, C. (2017). Bridging reading and writing: Using historians’ writing processes as clues to support students. In G. Andrews and Y. Wangdi (Eds.), The role of agency and memory in historical understanding: Revolution, reform, and rebellion. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Monte-Sano, C. & Reisman, A. (2016). "Studying historical understanding." In L. Corno & E. Anderman (Eds.), The Handbook of Educational Psychology, 3rd edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Monte-Sano, C. (2015). "What makes a good history essay: Assessing students historical arguments." In Parker, W. (Ed.), Social studies research and practice, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge.

Journal Articles

De La Paz, S., Monte-Sano, C., Felton, M., Croninger, R., & Jackson, C. (2017). "A historical writing apprenticeship for adolescents: Integrating disciplinary learning with cognitive strategies." Reading Research Quarterly, 52(1), 31-52.

Monte-Sano, C. (2016). "Argumentation in history classrooms: A key path to understanding the discipline and preparing citizens." Theory into Practice, 55(4), 311-319.

Monte-Sano, C., De La Paz, S., Felton, M. (2014). "Implementing a disciplinary-literacy curriculum for U.S. history: Learning from expert middle school teachers in diverse classrooms." Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(4), 540-575.

Monte-Sano, C. & Budano, C. (2013). "Developing and enacting pedagogical content knowledge for teaching history: An exploration of two novice teachers’ growth over three years." The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22(2), 171-211.

Monte-Sano, C. & Harris, K. (2012). "Recitation and reasoning in novice history teachers’ writing instruction." The Elementary School Journal, 113(1), 105-130.

Monte-Sano, C. (2011). "Beyond reading comprehension and summary: Learning to read and write by focusing on evidence, perspective, and interpretation." Curriculum Inquiry, 41(2), 212-249.

Monte-Sano, C. (2011). "Learning to open up history for students: Preservice teachers’ emerging pedagogical content knowledge." Journal of Teacher Education, 62(3), 260-272.

Monte-Sano, C. (2010). "Disciplinary literacy in history: An exploration of the historical nature of adolescents’ writing." The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(4), 539-568.

Monte-Sano, C. & Cochran, M. (2009). "Attention to learners, subject, or teaching: What takes precedence as preservice teachers learn to teach historical thinking and reading?" Theory and Research in Social Education, 37(1), 101-135.

Monte-Sano, C. (2008). "Qualities of effective writing instruction in history classrooms: A cross-case comparison of two teachers’ practices." American Educational Research Journal, 45(4), 1045-1079.

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