Undergraduate Research Symposium 2024

Friday, April 19th 

Astronomy_Poster_2024 - Marcos Arias.pdf

Three New Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in the Stellar Halo of M31    

Marcos Arias (University of Michigan), Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan), Katya Gozman (University of Michigan), In Sung Jang (University of Chicago)    

Recent discoveries of faint satellite systems challenge the distinction between star clusters and dwarf satellites.Classifying these systems are pivotal for understanding the physics of dark matter (DM) on smaller scales and constraining the number of DM sub-halos in larger galaxies. With more satellite systems than the Milky Way, Andromeda (M31) offers a unique environment for this investigation. We present three ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxy candidates in the halo of M31, initially discovered in the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS). Hubble Space Telescope (HST) follow-up imaging indicates that these candidates lie in the boundary between the largest and most diffuse star clusters and the smallest UFD galaxies in the luminosity-size plane, making classification challenging. We derived the structural parameters of the three faint systems using an elliptical exponential density profile through a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood algorithm. The candidates have half-light radii ranging from about 28 to 50 parsecs and ellipticities around 0.3. Finally, we estimated the absolute V-band magnitudes of the candidates (between -5.8 to -5.0) based on distance estimates from horizontal branch magnitudes. Further spectroscopic analysis will allow us to confirm or deny the presence of dark matter or a metallicity dispersion and properly classify these systems. 

23-24 Winter Astronomy Poster FINAL- Caden Burkhardt - Caden Burkhardt.pdf

Gaia Proper Motion Velocities of Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Caden Burkhardt (University of Michigan), M. S. Oey (University of Michigan), Fiona Han (University of Michigan), Julian Deman (University of Michigan)   

There are now understood to be several different possible evolutionary routes for massive stars to enter a Wolf-Rayet (WR) stage, including single versus binary evolution.  Peculiar velocities offer essential insights on the origins of these objects, and can provide evidence of past binary interactions.  We obtain the transverse proper motion velocities of WR stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud using Gaia DR3 data, measured relative to the local velocity fields.  Our preliminary results show that WR kinematics are similar to those of field massive stars, which are known to be a population ejected from the parent clusters.  We present the velocity distributions of WN, WC, WNh, WNE, WNL, OIf*/WN, and WN3+O3 subtypes, and compare them to each other and to other populations.  The WC, OIf*/WN, and WN3+O3 subtypes appear to have higher median velocities than the other groups.  We discuss the possible implications of our findings for the origins of the different subtypes. 

Detecting Exoplanet Transits with the Next Generation of X-ray Telescopes - Poster - Raven Cilley.pdf

Detecting Exoplanet Transits with the Next Generation of X-ray Telescopes    

Raven Cilley (University of Michigan), George King (University of Michigan), Lia Corrales (University of Michigan)

Free Fallin’: Mapping the Trajectory of Infalling Mass around Protostars    

Vincent Claes (University of Michigan), Lee Hartmann (University of Michigan), Aashish Gupta et al. (European Southern Observatory)    

Protostars, known as ‘baby stars’, contain an initial body of mass and accretion disk that are still collecting mass from its much larger parent molecular cloud. Theory and observations suggest that this infall is not spherically or axially symmetric in general but tends to be concentrated in filaments and streamers. This is the first phase of stellar evolution, before the core becomes hot enough to become a Main Sequence star. S Coronae Australis (S CrA) is a binary star system located in the Corona Australis Constellation. Here we examine the results of Gupta et al. (2024) using a simplified model for the infall.    

Astro Symposium Poster - Sophia Davis.pdf

Shock Waves in Space: Can One Satellite Tell Us What’s Coming, or Do We Need a Fleet?

Sophia Chan Davis (University of Michigan), Michael L. Stevens (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Tatiana Niembro (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Lucas Guliano (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Susan T. Lepri (University of Michigan)

Interplanetary shocks in our solar system are driven by solar eruptions and solar wind stream interactions. When directed at Earth, these shocks interact with Earth’s magnetosphere, with ramifications that vary depending on the magnitude of the shock wave and the conditions presenting upstream. To forecast and mitigate their impact on the Earth, it is important that we can measure the magnitude and the attack angle of an interplanetary shock wave arriving at the Earth. These shock waves are independently observed and measured en route to the Earth at Wind, the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE). In this project, we propose a new method of analysis using a multi-spacecraft fleet to characterize these shock waves. We compare two different methods for estimating the propagation vector of a shock prior to its arrival at Earth: a single spacecraft analysis using Wind and a multi-spacecraft geometric analysis using Wind, DSCOVR, SOHO, and ACE.  

Potential interplanetary shock waves are first cataloged in the Center for Astrophysics Interplanetary Shock Database by searching for abrupt jumps in the plasma and magnetic parameters. For each candidate, we follow the methodology of Szabo et al, 2004 and Viñas and Scudder, 1986 to determine the most probable propagation vector and whether the candidate represents a shock transition. We then corroborate the event in observations from ACE, DSCOVR, and SOHO. Using the set of four positions and times of shock observation, the shock’s magnitude and direction of propagation is fully determined under the assumption of planar geometry. We use this method to benchmark the performance of the single spacecraft analysis for different types of shocks, and we evaluate the relative utility of a single in situ L1 monitor versus a constellation for space weather forecasting. This work is supported by the NSF-REU solar physics program at SAO, grant number AGS-2244112.

HE escape Poster.pptx - Kaj Desch.pdf

The Triplet State of Metastable Helium: An Indicator of Atmospheric Escape    

Kaj Desch (University of Michigan), Elena Gallo (University of Michigan)    

The mass loss rate of the atmospheres of exoplanets can give insight into the formation history of exoplanets. One of the ways to measure this mass outflow rate is through the 10830 Å line. The ATES Code simulates planetary systems of highly-irradiated exoplanets to model the aforementioned helium triplet line. A recent update to the ATES code is a model that calculates the transmission probability around the 10830 Å line. To understand the conditions of these metastable helium transits, I use this code to determine the impact of changing the orbital distances of a Neptune-sized planet HAT-P-11b and the gas giant HD 189733b on the transmission probability of metastable helium. I found that decreasing the orbital distance increased the mass outflow rate due to the increased amount of flux received from the star. However, the He I(2^3 S) transmission signal had a lower transmission probability with a decreased orbital distance, due to the impact of the Hill radius on setting the expected  He I(2^3 S) absorption depth. 

High-Precision Galaxy Clustering Predictions from Small Simulations    

Alexandra Doytcheva (University of Michigan), Johannes Ulf Lange (University of Michigan)  

Feldman2024.pptx (2) - Sarah Feldman.pdf

Finding Deedee: Adding Observational Data and Analyzing the Resultant Orbit Changes of the Dwarf Planet 2014 UZ224    

Sarah Feldman (University of Michigan), David Gerdes (University of Michigan), Edward Lin (University of Michigan)     

Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) are Kuiper Belt objects that lie beyond Pluto and are remnants of our primordial Solar System. These can range from comets or asteroids to dwarf planets. In this investigation, we focused our interest on 2014 UZ224 (‘Deedee’), a potential dwarf planet that was the 2nd furthest TNO found at the time of its discovery. We set out with the intention to see if Deedee could be resolved in images from the Magellan Telescope at Las Campanas. Using methods of FITs file reduction and calibration with a median-filtered flat field, we were able to achieve that. Once Deedee’s location was confirmed, we were able to use our astrometric solution to find its right ascension and declination and submit them to the International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Center (MPC). The residuals from the predicted path were also found and, by comparing the predicted and actual path, we saw that they were consistent with previous measurements and our astrometric solution. The original orbit that was predicted was also compared to the updated orbit that took the new measurements into consideration. These are the first observations since 2018, so the measurements extend the orbital arc by 4 years, which we show is one of the best ways to improve precision on its orbit overall.

Investigating Parameters for the Simulation of Photoionization Fronts Poster (1) - Matthew Fischer.pdf

Investigating Parameters for the Simulation of Photoionization Fronts    

M.T. Fischer (University of Michigan), H. J. LeFevre (University of Michigan), C. C. Kuranz (University of Michigan)    

We work with data collected from experiments at the Omega laser facility where photoionization fronts are created and studied. We aim to determine optimal parameters to properly model these experimental photoionization fronts. We have determined that an external radiation source must be used to model photoionization fronts, which is expected since the external radiation source is what drives the vast majority of the ionization. We also find that steady-state calculations are not sufficient to model the ionization reactions in the photoionization fronts, time-dependent calculations yield better results. This is because there are ionization reactions that occur in quantities such that they are significant to the system and on timescales such that steady-state calculations do not adequately describe their behavior. We find through our simulations that higher ionized states are at first not present but then increase and remain fairly constant after about 5 µs. Further effort should be devoted to precisely replicating the experiment so that simulations can be better used for the study of photoionization fronts in a variety of other contexts.    

Gavrilova absolutely final poster - Elizaveta Gavrilova.pdf

Calcium Abundance Depletion in Taurus T Tauri Stars    

Elizaveta Gavrilova (University of Michigan), Marbely Micolta Calderon (University of Michigan), Nuria Calvet (University of Michigan), Thanawuth Thanathibodee (Boston University), Marley Gonzales (University of Michigan)

A T Tauri star typically is a young star with an accretion disk, which has potential for forming planets, but this is hard to detect due to the disk’s optical thickness at this stage in the star’s life. An indicator of the presence of planets in the disk is a depletion of refractory materials at the accretion flows onto the star, which is due to refractory materials such as calcium and magnesium being added to an accreting planet somewhere in the disk and never making it to the central star. In this work, we calculated the flux of the Hα and Ca II K spectral lines of 16 stars in the Taurus region to find their calcium abundance relative to hydrogen and see if any of them had any calcium depletion relative to solar values. The flux of a line is determined by multiplying the equivalent width of the line with the flux of the continuum at the line. Equivalent widths were determined in a previous work with MIKE spectra. We used two methods to determine the continuum flux. For stars with DAO spectra taken by HST covering the optical range, the continuum flux was determined through line fitting and interpolation at the site of the spectral line. An additional number of stars’ continuum spectra were reconstructed using previously published photometric measurements. We found that some of the stars in the Taurus region showed significant calcium depletion, though most did not. Additionally, the Taurus population follows a linear relationship between [Ca/H] and the log of mass accretion rate, which is similar to that  found in other young stellar population

[FINAL] Akum Astro Research Presentation - Apr 2024 - Akum Gill.pdf

Stress testing a Simulation Based Inference Approach to Weak Lensing Galaxy Cluster Mass Inference    

Akum Gill (University of Michigan), Humna Awan (University of Michigan), Camille Avestruz (University of Michigan), Yuanyuan Zhang (NOIRLab), Erin Barillier (University of Michigan), Brian Nord (Fermilab), LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration

Galaxy cluster masses are important for constraining cosmological parameters like the matter density of the universe. We can infer galaxy cluster masses from observables like their weak lensing profiles. Traditionally, one would use MCMC to infer cluster parameters from observables, but computing the analytic likelihood function can be expensive. In this work, we're investigating an alternative approach called Simulation Based Inference which uses a trained inferrer instead of the likelihood function and comparing the results to what we'd infer from MCMC.

Alex Gu Astro poster 2024 - Alex Gu.pdf

Analysis of Chandra Observations of the X-Ray Point Sources in Centaurus A    

Alex Gu (University of Michigan), David Bogensberger (University of Michigan)

GutierrezPoster2024 (1) - Mayra Gutierrez.pdf

MIRC-X: Advancements in Interferometry Instrumentation    

Mayra Gutierrez (University of Michigan), John Monnier (University of Michigan), Sorabh Chhabra (University of Exeter), Dan Mortimer (University of Exeter)    

Michigan InfraRed Combiner-eXeter (MIRC-X) is a combiner used at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA), which is a six-telescope array interferometer. MIRC-X combines the light from these six telescopes to create interference fringes, which are used for high-resolution image reconstruction. Since interferometry is a powerful observing tool, we aimed to improve the efficiency and observing results of the MIRC-X combiner. Our upgrades include adding a mirror switchyard, filter wheel, additional lenses, and adjustable optical mounts to the MIRC-X system. After thorough design, we manufactured, assembled, and installed a mirror switchyard to use another instrument with the MIRC-X detector. In the lab, we assembled and wired our filter wheel and lens system to later be installed, and we are assembling a new combiner with adjustable mounts to be tested. We anticipate that these improvements will enhance observing and data collection with MIRC-X.

ASTRO Poster 2024 final - Andrew Householder.pdf

Searching for Short Period Exoplanets Orbiting TRAPPIST-1    

Andrew Householder (University of Michigan), Mary Anne Limbach (University of Michigan)    

The James Webb Space Telescope with its state-of-the-art instruments has sparked a revolution in the field of exoplanet detection. From it, astronomers are receiving terabytes of data with higher quality than ever before. Our work is focused on a MIRI data set of five secondary eclipses of the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1b, the innermost confirmed planet of the well-known TRAPPIST-1 star system. While these data were originally collected to investigate the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1b, its high sensitivity allows us to repurpose it in search of small (0.2-0.3 R-earth) exoplanets, in close orbit (0.003-0.012 AU) of TRAPPIST-1.

posterpresentation - Somya Jha.pdf

Dusting off V836Tau    

Somya Jha (University of Michigan), Marbely Micolta (University of Michigan), Nuria Calvet (University of Michigan), Justin Svarc (University of Michigan), Avalon Litwiller (University of Michigan)    

This project aims to investigate the chemical composition of the dust in the protoplanetary disks of T Tauri stars. These stars are young (< few million years), low-mass stellar objects in star forming regions. V836Tau is the stellar object of interest for this project. Using the DIAD computational models, Litwiller’s SED calculator, and Rilinger’s parameters, various abundances of silicates are tested and compared to photospheric and IRS spectra data. The DIAD model assumes two populations of dust: large grains in the midplane and small grains in the upper layers. This model calculates the structure and emission of the disk. Setting the parameters according to Rilinger’s data, multiple fits are run with varying populations of olivine, pyroxene, forsterite, and enstatite. This SED data is then plotted using Litwiller’s SED calculator, alongside photospheric data and IRS spectra data. The fits are examined to find the one most consistent with the other data. Through this procedure, the composition of the dust was found to be 50% olivine, 40% pyroxene, 5% forsterite, and 5% enstatite. This result varies from the expected baseline parameters set by Sargent et al: 9.7% olivine, 58% pyroxene, 16.5% forsterite, 15.8% enstatite.    

2024 Research Poster - Gordon Lewis.pdf

Modeling the X-Ray features of non-spherical Fe dust grains in the ISM    

Gordon Lewis (University of Michigan), Lia Corrales (University of Michigan)    

Observational studies show that only a small fraction of iron in the interstellar medium (ISM) is present as gas, indicating that the remainder must be in the form of solid-phase dust grains. X-Ray spectroscopy can probe the size, shape, and chemical composition of these particles. This project utilizes General Geometry Anomalous Diffraction Theory (GGADT), a Fortran program by Hoffman and Draine (2016), to plot a dust grain’s Fe L (n = 2) extinction curve with discrete size and composition parameters. More specifically, we compare various iron-bearing compounds when their shapes are changed from spherical to oblate.

Astro 429 Poster (38.5 x 50 in) (2) - Avalon Litwiller.pdf

Tools for Extracting Spectral Energy Distributions    

Avalon R Litwiller (University of Michigan), Nuria Calvet (University of Michigan), Marbely M. Calderon (University of Michigan), Somya Jha (University of Michigan), Justin Svarc (University of Michigan)    

poster.pptx-3 - August Masley.pdf

Modeling accretion outbursts in protostellar systems    

August Masley (University of Michigan), Lee Hartmann (University of Michigan)

Large, energetic accretion events have been observed in the inner disks of young stars and protostars. Modeling of these “FU Ori” outbursts predicts the presence of an infrared precursor before the optical peak, caused by the inwards movement of a high-temperature, high-density accretion wave which begins at approximately 1 AU. Whether or not these infrared precursors can be detected depends on the degree of extinction of the accretion disk from the dusty, infalling protostellar envelopes commonly found around FU Ori objects. To explore this question, we combined these outburst models with a disk and envelope component, using the radiative transfer simulation RADMC3D, in order to determine the viability of observing the spectra of these infrared precursors with realistic density distributions. We find that, for envelope mass infall rates typical of protostars, the infrared precursor is only conclusively apparent when viewed along an outflow cavity. At other inclinations, the precursor is difficult to distinguish from the thermal emission of the dusty envelope.

Teff and logg (2) - Sanil Mittal.pdf

Improved Estimates of Stellar Parameters, Metallicities and Elemental Abundance Ratios for 311 Metal-Poor stars    

Sanil Mittal (University of Michigan), Ian U. Roederer (North Carolina State University, University of Michigan) 

We present equivalent widths, model atmosphere parameters and abundances for 14 species of 11 elements derived from high resolution optical spectroscopy of 311 metal-poor stars. All of these stars were previously published by Roederer et al. 2014. We use color-Teff relationships calibrated previously for Gaia and 2MASS photometry to calculate improved effective temperatures (Teff). We calculate log of surface gravity (log g) values using measurements derived from Gaia parallaxes and other fundamental stellar properties. We then rederive microturbulence values, metallicities and abundances for O I, Na I, Mg I, Si I, K I, Ca I, Ti I, Ti II, Cr I, Cr II, Fe I, Fe II, Ni I and Zn I elements based on the previously published equivalent widths. On average, the new \teff values are 310 K warmer, the new log g values are higher by 0.64 dex, and the new [Fe/H] values are higher by 0.26 dex. We perform a standard LTE abundance analysis using MARCS model atmospheres and the MOOG line analysis software. We apply NLTE corrections for elements of O I, Na I, Mg I, Si I, K I, Fe I, and Fe II. Our sample contains 6 stars with [Fe/H] < −3.5, 28 stars with [Fe/H] < −3.0, and 113 stars with [Fe/H] < −2.5.

Astronomy Poster_Sarahi_Palma (8).pdf

Constraining the Vertical Composition of Exoplanet Atmospheres    

Sarahi Palma (University of Michigan), Ryan J. MacDonald (University of Michigan)    

The launch and subsequent employment of JWST has made it possible to characterize exoplanet atmospheres in exquisite detail. However, when astronomers fit observations of exoplanet spectra using atmospheric retrieval (a Bayesian technique), it is common to assume that the chemical composition does not vary with pressure. Yet, in fact, myriad chemical and physical processes may cause large vertical deviations in molecular abundances.

     In this poster, we explore the ability to directly measure vertical chemical gradients from exoplanet transmission spectra. We present a new parameterization for atmospheric retrievals including vertical chemical gradients and demonstrate its viability using simulated JWST observations for a warm Neptune atmosphere. Our improved retrieval model opens the prospect to measure the impact of important physical and chemical processes—such as photochemistry—from JWST spectra of exoplanets.

Yanbo_2024_Poster_Final_Draft - Yanbo Pan.pdf

Mining Ultra-Faint Galaxies in the Local Group: Are Missing Satellites All Found?    

Yanbo Pan (University of Michigan), Eric Bell (University of Michigan), Benjamin Radmore (University of Michigan)

Ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) satellite galaxies are believed to have the oldest, most dark-matter dominated, and least chemically evolved stellar populations. Therefore, UFDs serve as effective cosmological probes for the early stage of the Universe. In this study, we applied unsupervised machine learning (DBSCAN & OPTICS) to search for potential UFDs by analyzing spatial overdensities of the tip of red giant branch (TRGB) stars in the DELVE survey. Our objective is to complement the current catalog of UFDs in the local volume while exploring the potential of using modern statistical density searching tools in UFD studies. We have focused on searching for M31 UFDs and recovered all 10 M31 satellite galaxies in the DELVE DR2 coverage. This work provides tools to identify UFDs in large sky surveys, which helps to test cosmological constraints of the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM ) model. 

Em Peplinski Poster - Em Peplinski.pdf

The Impact of Geometry on Spectra Calculated from 3D GCMs    

Em Peplinski (University of Michigan), Thomas Kennedy (University of Michigan), Emily Rauscher (University of Michigan)

Comparing model spectra to observation is one of the predominant ways we learn about exoplanets and their atmospheres. In the new age of JWST, how those model spectra are calculated may have greater implications than previously assumed. In this project, we evaluate the impacts of two different radiative transfer geometries commonly used in calculating spectra from 3D models: line-of-sight geometry (“ray tracing”), and radial geometry. To do this, we examine the dayside emission spectra of two test cases. We preliminarily find that the two geometries produce noticeably different simulated JWST spectra. These differences are on the scale of a few percent, and correlate to how the ray tracing calculation captures limb effects while the radial calculation does not. These results show that the geometry used in model spectra calculation must be considered when evaluating the similarity of models to data.

Searching for Strays - Benjamin Radmore.pdf

Searching for Strays: M31 Dwarf Satellites in the Hubble Footprint    

Benjamin C. Radmore (University of Michigan), Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan)    

Though future wide-field telescopes promise to revolutionize our understanding of dark matter subhalos and dwarf galaxy systems, we still have years to wait for large-scale upheaval. In the interim, we have prepared a project to run clustering algorithms on HST data in the halo of M31, to check for UFD satellites caught in the Hubble footprint. Though we lack a wide field of view, we are encouraged by the high resolution of data and relevant location of many HST observations. We intend to conduct a comprehensive search of all images with potential satellites, in the interest of either identifying new M31 satellites, or ruling out Hubble observations as home to UFD satellite candidates.

HT_Poster - Rishabh Ranjan.pdf

Automating the Classification of Resonances: Detecting Linearity in Orbital Frequency Maps

Rishabh Ranjan (University of Michigan) Monica Valluri (University of Michigan)

Orbits have a tendency to gravitate towards resonances, integer combinations of their fundamental frequencies. Orbital resonances have shown the ability to support features of galaxies, such as the boxy-peanut bulge, and be the driving mechanism behind vertical heating in orbits. We develop an algorithm to automatically detect and classify resonances in orbital frequency maps to obtain a more comprehensive resonance distribution in galactic models. We also investigate the differences in resonance distributions across galactic models, examining shifts in resonant populations over time and resonance trapping ability. Further analysis will involve identifying key resonances that drive the boxy-peanut bulge that form in certain galactic models, and the repopulating mechanism that keeps certain resonance populations constant over time. 


Exploring the Atmospheric Compositions of Water World Candidates with JWST Spectroscopy

Eshan Raul (University of Michigan), Ryan MacDonald (University of Michigan)    

Small close-in exoplanets can be separated into two distinct populations: super-Earths at approximately 1.0-1.4 Earth radii and sub-Neptunes at approximately 2.3-3.9 Earth radii (Fulton et al., 2017; Luque & Pallé 2022). Since our Solar System lacks analogs of such worlds, we possess a fundamental lack of understanding of planets in this regime. While small super-Earths are likely rocky/iron in composition and sub-Neptunes are likely dominated by an H2/He atmosphere, planets approximately within the 1.5-2.2 Earth radii regime could also be explained by a third ‘water-world’ scenario, with a volatile-rich envelope in a supercritical state above a rocky/iron core. To resolve the ambiguous composition of such planets, we are measuring the atmospheric compositions of 5 potential water worlds as part of a Large Cycle 2 JWST Program via transmission spectroscopy. Here, we present our initial results for two of these planets, TOI-270d and GJ-9827d, from an atmospheric retrieval analysis. Based on these results, we introduce a new classification for the composition of sub-Neptunes: a “miscible envelope sub-Neptune.” We finally compare the atmospheric compositions of TOI-270d and GJ-9827d and discuss implications for future studies of water worlds with JWST. 

2024 M31 GCs Poster Evan Rootness.pptx-3 - Evan Rootness.pdf

Eight Extremely Distant Globular Cluster Candidates in Andromeda    

Evan T. Rootness (University of Michigan), Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan), Jiaming Pan  (University of Michigan)

Globular clusters (GCs) are useful signposts of the accretion of satellite galaxies and kinematic probes that reach far out into the dark matter-dominated galactic potentials. However, GCs are challenging to distinguish from foreground stars and background galaxies, and thus very little is known about their distribution very far from their host. The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is an excellent example for studying GCs, with an exceptionally complete GC catalog within a projected radius of 150 kpc; yet, only two GCs are known beyond this radius. Our goal is to determine if more GCs lie past a projected radius of 150 kpc. Using archival data from Pan-STARRS DR1, WISE, and Gaia, we were able to recover 111 confirmed GCs within 150 kpc with only 2 background galaxies contaminating our sample. 70% of these GCs were not in our training set and illustrate the effectiveness of the selections. We have searched to a projected radius of around 600 kpc, finding 255 candidates. Visual inspection and previous spectroscopy show that many candidates were background galaxies or foreground stars. We discovered 8 GC candidates up to projected radii of around 500 kpc from the center of M31. We have work underway to calculate radial velocities of these candidates, allowing us to confirm or deny if they are true GCs.   

Poster 2024 (1) - Michael Struk.pdf

Can we understand the dark matter halos of the largest spiral galaxies using globular clusters?

Michael A. Struk (University of Michigan), Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan), Allan VanZandt (University of Michigan)

Poster (ASTRO 399) (1) - Justin Svarc.pdf

Baby Stars and Their Eating Habits: Determining the Chemical Abundance of Dust Species in Protoplanetary Disks in the Taurus Molecular Cloud    

Justin Svarc (University of Michigan), Nuria Calvet (University of Michigan), Somya Jha (University of Michigan), Avalon Litwiller (University of Michigan), Marbely Calderon (University of Michigan)

We carry out a study of the dust composition in the disk of the T Tauri star BP Tau, employing the DIAD model, which features various free parameters, to generate spectral energy distributions (SEDs) aiming to replicate Vizier IRS spectra obtained from the Spitzer Space Telescope, and photometry to construct the SED with the aid of Avalon Litwiller's code. Baseline parameters, informed by Ritlinger et al.'s 2022 and Sargent et al. 2009 work was initially utilized, and the key parameters–Amorphous Pyroxene, Amorphous Olivine, Crystalline Enstatite, and Crystalline Forsterite–were adjusted accordingly to more accurately match IRS spectra data. The primary objective presently is to gain proficiency in DIAD modeling and SED fitting, while investigating the influence of different refractory materials on the SED. Future endeavors aim to leverage MCMC fitting to sample extensive datasets and discern trends indicative of planetesimal formation.

poster session 2024 - Allan Vanzandt.pdf

Galaxy–Black Hole Co-evolution using Globular Cluster Derived Dark Matter Halo Masses    

Allan VanZandt (University of Michigan), Eric F. Bell (University of Michigan), Mark G. Voit (Michigan State University), Bryan Terrazas (Oberlin College)    

Scaling relations are a key aspect to understanding galaxy evolution, especially the co-evolution between galaxies and their central supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The tight correlations between black hole mass (M_BH) and quantities like velocity dispersion, stellar mass (M_*), and dark matter halo mass (M_halo) are strongly suggestive of a causal connection between black hole growth and galaxy evolution. M_BH has also been shown to correlate strongly with star formation rate (SFR), with quiescent galaxies hosting more massive SMBHs for a given stellar mass than ones actively forming stars.

One important limiting factor in the analysis of scaling relations between M_BH, M_*, M_halo, and SFR is the relative rarity of high-quality M_halo measurements using consistent methodology. With this in mind, we used the globular cluster mass-halo mass relationship (eta = (3.9 +- 0.9) x 10^(-5) = M_GCS/M_halo) to expand the number of available M_halo estimates. Using this, we recreate existing scaling relations as well as explore SFR in different regimes of parameter space. We find that the stellar masses of star forming galaxies and the SMBH masses of quiescent galaxies follow the same power law trend across four orders of magnitude in halo mass (with different offsets). This suggests that galaxies fundamentally self-regulate energetically through feedback, with stellar feedback providing the requisite energy until M_halo~10^12, and AGN feedback dominating afterwards. This result has great potential for providing an understanding of the fundamentals of galaxy evolution.

429_poster - Benjamin Velguth.pdf

Characterizing the Extended Structures of M82 and NGC 3077: A Timeline of the M81 Group

Benjamin Velguth (University of Michigan) Eric Bell (University of Michigan) Adam Smercina (University of Washington)     

Mergers of and interactions between galaxies imprint a wide diversity of morphological, dynamical, and chemical characteristics in stellar halos and tidal streams. Measuring these characteristics elucidates aspects of the progenitors of the galaxies we observe today. The M81 group is the perfect galaxy group to understand the past, present, and future of a group of galaxies in the process of merging. Here we measure the end of star formation (t_90) and metallicity ([M/H]) of the stellar halo of M82 and the eastern tidal stream of NGC 3077 to: 1) test the idea that M82 possesses a genuine stellar halo, formed before any interaction with M81, 2) determine if NGC 3077's tidal disruption caused the end to star formation in its tails, and 3) create a timeline of the assembly history of the central trio in the M81 group. We find that M82 possesses a genuine, metal poor ([M/H] ~ -1.5 dex) stellar halo, formed from the merger of a small satellite galaxy roughly 6.5 Gyr ago. We also find that the stars present in NGC 3077's tails formed well before tidal disruption, and possesses a roughly uniform metallicity as shown in Okamoto et. al. 2023. Finally, we present a timeline of the central trio's merger/interaction history.

PHANGS Research Poster - Matthew Wanink.pdf

Measuring Radii of Young Stellar Clusters in PHANGS-HST    

Matthew Wanink (University of Michigan), Dr. Oleg Gnedin (University of Michigan)    

We measure the projected half-light radii of young stellar clusters in 36 galaxies from the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS - Hubble Space Telescope (PHANGS-HST) distribution. We modify and update the pipeline developed for the Legacy Extragalactic UV Survey (LEGUS) in Brown and Gnedin (2021). With this updated pipeline and dataset, we have measured the radii for 29,287 clusters. This makes this the new largest sample of young stellar cluster radii currently available. Using these radii, we investigate the mass-radius relation and density distribution to investigate cluster evolution as well as the completeness of our sample. Finally, we compare these results to those from the LEGUS distribution measured by Brown and Gnedin (2021).

Junyi Zhao. LMC poster copy - Junyi Zhao.pdf

Identification and Kinematics of OBe stars in the LMC    

Junyi Zhao (University of Michigan),  Sally Oey (University of Michigan), Caden Burkhardt (University of Michigan)

In our research, we tested the traditional approach of identifying OBe star candidates by using Hα-continuum subtracted images. Specifically, we compared the candidates detected through this method in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with known OBe stars listed in an established catalog. To do this, we extracted star-shaped objects from the Hα-continuum subtracted images and then evaluated how this group matched up with the cataloged OBe stars in the same region of the LMC. we find that this method results in false positives and is thus insufficient in identifying OBe stars.

We also measure the proper motions of OBe stars within the LMC using data from Gaia DR3. We then combine these findings with the proper motion characteristics of OBe stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) region. We find that the velocity distributions of OBe stars in the LMC and the SMC are very similar. However, the velocity of OBe stars in the LMC is slightly higher than in the SMC.