Math Tutor List


The list of tutors below  is available for students in need of assistance to connect with individuals who are able to help. The University of Michigan Math Department does not specifically recommend, endorse, or vet any of the tutors listed here; we only list those people who have told us they provide tutoring services. The Math Department makes no guarantees and offers no specific endorsements. Tutoring is a private arrangement between you and the tutor.

Per hour costs vary by tutor. You should always verify your "contract" with your tutor beforehand and plan to pay at the time you receive the tutoring. Communicate openly about your needs, including the duration of tutoring you anticipate and the frequency of sessions.

If you would like to be listed as a tutor please contact the Math Department at math-undergrad-office at umich dot edu. 

*We only accept University of Michigan affiliated tutors.