
Marina Mayorski

PhD in Comparative Literature and Judaic Studies
University of Michigan

Goldin Family Postdoctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies
University of Pennsylvania


I received my PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Michigan, with certificates in Judaic studies and critical translation studies.

My research deals with modern Jewish literatures in Hebrew, Ladino, and Yiddish with a focus on popular fiction and translation from French, Russian, and German. I received my BA (2011) and MA (2018) in comparative literature from Tel Aviv University.

I am a scholar and a practitioner of translation. My research focuses on popular fiction and translation in the modern Jewish world. I work primarily in Hebrew, Ladino, and Yiddish, and especially  translations into these languages from French, Russian, English, and Spanish. My interest lies in cross-cultural and transnational circulation of texts and ideas across linguistic, social, and political borders, and especially in contact and exchange between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in the modern era.

As a comparatist, my training enables me to integrate different methods, genres, and periods to explore questions about the development of modern ideas about race, religion, memory, gender, and sexuality through popular culture.

Some of my translations can be found on websites such as eSefarad and Below the Line. I also edited a volume titled Translating Jewish Multilingualism, which contains previously untranslated works by Jewish authors from 7 languages. I am currently working on an anthology of modern Ladino literature in English translation.