Selected Articles and Book Chapters

Arranged and cross-referenced by the following topics:

A. Karl Polanyi, Marketization, and a Political Economy of Moral Worth

B. Citizenship, Civil Society, Human Rights, and a Right To Have Rights

C. The People and the Law, English Class Formation, Civil Society and the Making of Modern Democracy and Citizenship Rights

D. Historical Epistemology, Narrative Analysis and Narrative Identity, Comparative Historical Analysis, and a Historical Sociology of Concept Formation

A. Karl Polanyi, Marketization, and a Political Economy of Moral Worth

2022. Somers, Margaret R. Legal Predistribution, Market Justice, and Dedemocratization: Polanyi and Piketty on Law and Political Economy.Journal of Law and Political Economy 3(2):225-279.

 2022. Somers, Margaret R. "Dedemocratizing citizenship: how neoliberalism used market justice to move from welfare queening to authoritarianism in 25 short years." Citizenship Studies 25th Anniversary Issue, 26:4-5, August.

2022. Somers, Margaret R. and Daniel Hirschman. "Margaret Somers in Conversation with Daniel Hirschman." Sociologica 16:1, 153-173.

2021. Somers, Margaret R. "Toward a predistributive democracy: Diagnosing oligarchy, dedemocratization, and the deceits of market justice." Pp. 56-87 in The Condition of Democracy, Volume 1: Neoliberal Politics and Sociological Perspectives, edited by Jürgen Mackert, Hannah Wolf, and Bryan S. Turner. London: Routledge.

2021. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Against Polanyian orthodoxy: a reply to Hannes Lacher." Theory and Society 50:3, 417–441. 

2020. Margaret Somers in conversation with David Bond and John Hultgren, "A Democratic Ritual Against the Underlying Reality of an Incompatibility Between Capitalism and Democracy." International Karl Polanyi Society, November 3.

2020. Somers, Margaret. "Even the Republican ‘skinny’ relief bill failed. How is such unnecessary suffering justified?" The Guardian, September 14.

2020. Somers, Margaret R. "The Moral Economy of the Capitalist Crowd: Utopianism, the Reality of Society, and the Market as a Morally-Instituted Process in Polanyi's The Great Transformation." Special Dossier on Moral Economy, edited by Jeremy Adelman and Sam Moyn. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp. 227-234 

2020. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Polanyi's Prescience: Covid-19, Market Utopianism, and the Reality of Society." Pp. 153-59 in Karl Polanyi: The Life and Work of an Epochal Thinker, edited by Brigitte Aulenbacher, Markus Marterbauer, Andreas Novy, Kari Polanyi Levitt, Armin Thurnher. Vienna: Falter. 

2020. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Polanyi’s Democratic Socialist Vision: Piketty through the Lens of Polanyi." Pp. 211-30 in Karl Polanyi and twenty-first century capitalism. Edited by Radhika Desai and Kari Polanyi Levitt. Manchester, UK: University of Manchester Press. 

2018. Somers, Margaret R. "The Moral Economy of the Business Crowd: It’s Moral Backgrounds All the Way Down." Review Symposium on Gabriel Abend's The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics, Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 2014. Socio-Economic Review 16:3, 646-651.

2018. Somers, Margaret R. "Utopianism and the Reality of Society: Decoding Polanyi’s Socialism, Freedom, and the Alchemy of Misrecognition." Pp. 91-109 in Karl Polanyi and Freedom, edited by Michael Brie and Claus Thomasberger. Montreal, CA: Black Rose Books.

2017. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "Karl Polanyi in an Age of Uncertainty." Contemporary Sociology 46:4, 379-392.

2017. Somers, Margaret R. "How Grandpa Became a Welfare Queen: Social Insurance, the Economisation of Citizenship, and a New Political Economy of Moral Worth." Pp. 76-98 in The Transformation of Citizenship, Volume 1: Political Economy, edited by Jürgen Mackert and Bryan S. Turner. Routledge.

2016.  Margaret Somers in Conversation with Joshua Curtis, "Socially Embedding the Market and the Role of Law." Series on Economics and Law in Conversation, Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics, March 2016.

2014. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Is Cruelty the Key to Prosperity?", October 27.

2014. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "The Return of Karl Polanyi." Dissent Magazine, Spring.

2012. Somers, Margaret R. "Zombie Entanglements: How Corporate Power Stalks Among Us." Review Symposium on Colin Crouch's The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism. Cambridge, Polity, 2011. Socio-Economic Review 10 (3): 617-623. 

2011. Wright, Erik Olin, Saskia Sassen, Michael Tolley, and Margaret Somers. Book Symposium on Genealogies of Citizenship: Markets, Statelessness, and the Right To Have Rights by Margaret R. Somers (Cambridge University Press 2008). Trajectories: Newsletter of the ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section 22:2 (Spring), 8-34.

2008. Somers, Margaret R. "Imperiled Citizenship and the Market." The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture 10:3 (Fall).

2006. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship, Statelessness and Market Fundamentalism: Arendtian Lessons on Losing the Right To Have Rights." Pp. 35-62 in Migration, Citizenship, Ethnos: Incorporation Regimes in Germany, Western Europe and North America.  Edited by Y. M. Bodemann and G. Yurdakul. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 

2006. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Poverty and Piety.” American Sociological Review, 71:3 (June), 511-513.

2005. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "Is Speenhamland a warning for social policy?" Pp. 13-54 in The Ethics and Economics of the Basic Income Guarantee, edited by Karl Widerquist, Michael Anthony Lewis, and Steven Pressman. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing.

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Beware Trojan Horses Bearing Social Capital: How Privatization Turned Solidarity into a Bowling Team." Pp. 233-274 in The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences, edited by George Steinmetz. Duke University Press. 

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Let Them Eat Social Capital: Socializing the Market Versus Marketizing the Social." Thesis Eleven 81 (May), 5-19.

2005. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "From Poverty to Perversity: Ideas, Markets, and Institutions over 200 Years of Welfare Debate." American Sociological Review 70:2 (April), 260-287. 

2003. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law." Politics and Society 31:2 (June), 283-323.

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Romancing the Market, Reviling the State: Historicizing Liberalism, Privatization, and the Competing Claims to Civil Society." Pp. 23-48 in Citizenship, Markets, and the state, edited by Colin Crouch, Klaus Eder, and Damian Tambini. New York: Oxford University Press.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrando y naturalizando la sociedad civil y la teoria de la ciudadania: el lugar de la cultura politica y de la esfera publica." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 255-337.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrating and Naturalizing Civil Society and Citizenship Theory: The Place of Political Culture and the Public Sphere." Sociological Theory 13:3 (November), 229-274.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "The 'Misteries' of Property: Relationality, Rural-Industrialization, and Community in Chartist Narratives of Political Rights." Pp. 62-92 in Early Modern Conceptions of Property, edited by John Brewer and Susan Staves. London: Routledge. (First Place Prize for Best Article in the Sociology of Culture by the American Sociological Association).

1993. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship and the Place of the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy." American Sociological Review 58:5, 587-620. (First Place Prize for Outstanding Article in Political Sociology, 1994; Honorable Mention for Outstanding Article in Comparative Historical Sociology, 1994, by the American Sociological Association.)

1990. Somers, Margaret R. "Karl Polanyi's Intellectual Legacy." Pp. 152-158 in The Life and Work of Karl Polanyi, edited by Kari Polanyi-Levitt. Montreal/New York: Black Rose Books.

1984. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "Beyond the Economistic Fallacy: The Holistic Social Science of Karl Polanyi." Pp. 47-84 in Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, edited by Theda Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511621567.004.

1979. Somers, Margaret R. and Walter L. Goldfrank. "The Limits of Agronomic Determinism: A Critique of Paige's Agrarian Revolution." Comparative Studies in Society and History, 21:3, July 1979, pp. 443-458. Cambridge University Press.

1972. Johnson, Kathryn and Peggy (Margaret) Somers. "The Political Economy of Sexism: Behind Every Sexist Stands the Boss." New American Movement Press, June.

B. Citizenship, Civil Society, Human Rights, and a Right to have Rights 

2022. Somers, Margaret R. "Dedemocratizing citizenship: how neoliberalism used market justice to move from welfare queening to authoritarianism in 25 short years." Citizenship Studies 25th Anniversary Issue, 26:4-5, August.

2022. Somers, Margaret R. and Daniel Hirschman. "Margaret Somers in Conversation with Daniel Hirschman." Sociologica 16:1, 153-173.

2020. Margaret Somers in conversation with David Bond and John Hultgren, "A Democratic Ritual Against the Underlying Reality of an Incompatibility Between Capitalism and Democracy." International Karl Polanyi Society, November 3, 2020.

2016.  Margaret Somers in Conversation with Joshua Curtis, "Socially Embedding the Market and the Role of Law." Series on Economics and Law in Conversation, Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics, March 2016.

2012.  Somers, Margaret R. "Zombie Entanglements: How Corporate Power Stalks Among Us." Review Symposium "On Colin Crouch's The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism. Cambridge, Polity, 2011." Socio-Economic Review  10, 617-623. 

2011. Wright, Erik Olin, Saskia Sassen, Michael Tolley, and Margaret Somers. Book Symposium on Genealogies of Citizenship: Markets, Statelessness, and the Right To Have Rights by Margaret R. Somers (Cambridge University Press 2008). Trajectories: Newsletter of the ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section 22:2 (Spring), 8-34.

2008. Somers, Margaret R. "Imperiled Citizenship and the Market." The Hedgehog Review: Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture 10:3 (Fall).

2008. Somers, Margaret R. and Christopher N. Roberts. "Toward a New Sociology of Rights: A Genealogy of ‘Buried Bodies’ of Citizenship and Human Rights." Annual Review of Law and Social Science, edited by John Hagan. Vol. 4, 385–425.

2006. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship, Statelessness and Market Fundamentalism: Arendtian Lessons on Losing the Right To Have Rights." Pp. 35-62 in Migration, Citizenship, Ethnos: Incorporation Regimes in Germany, Western Europe and North America, edited by Y. M. Bodemann and G. Yurdakul. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Beware Trojan Horses Bearing Social Capital: How Privatization Turned Solidarity into a Bowling Team." Pp. 233-274 in The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences, edited by George Steinmetz. Duke University Press. 

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship Troubles: Genealogies of Struggle for the Soul of the Social." Pp. 438-69 in Remaking Modernity, edited by Julia Adams, Lis Clemens, and Ann Orloff. Duke University Press. 

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Let Them Eat Social Capital: Socializing the Market Versus Marketizing the Social." Thesis Eleven 81 (May), 5-19.

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Romancing the Market, Reviling the State: Historicizing Liberalism, Privatization, and the Competing Claims to Civil Society." Pp. 23-48 in Citizenship, Markets, and the state, edited by Colin Crouch, Klaus Eder, and Damian Tambini. New York: Oxford University Press.

1999. Somers, Margaret R. "The Privatization of Citizenship: How To Unthink a Knowledge Culture." Pp. 121-161 in Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture, edited by Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1999. Somers, Margaret R. "La Ciudadania y el Lugar de la Esfera Publica: Un Enfoque Historico." Pp. 217-35 in Ciudadania: Justicia Social, Identitad y Participation, edited by Steven Lukes and Soledad Garcia. Madrid and Mexico City: Siglo XXI de Espana Editores. (Translated by Soledad Garcia.)  

1998. Somers, Margaret R. "Bringing Marshall Back In: riscoprire e reinventare la cittadinanza." Inchiesta 28:120, 7-13.  [Special Issue, La Cittadinanza in Discussione.]

1998. Somers, Margaret R. "'Citizenship' zwischen Staat und Markt. Das Konzept der Zivilgesellschaft und das Problem der 'dritten Sphare'." Berliner Journal fur Soziologie 8:4, 489-506.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrando y naturalizando la sociedad civil y la teoria de la ciudadania: el lugar de la cultura politica y de la esfera publica." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 255-337.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Que hay de politico o de cultural en la cultura politica y en la esfera publica? Hacia una sociologia historica de la formacion de conceptos." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 31-94.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "The 'Misteries' of Property: Relationality, Rural-Industrialization, and Community in Chartist Narratives of Political Rights." Pp. 62-92 in Early Modern Conceptions of Property, edited by John Brewer and Susan Staves. London: Routledge. (First Place Prize for Best Article in the Sociology of Culture by the American Sociological Association).

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrating and Naturalizing Civil Society and Citizenship Theory: The Place of Political Culture and the Public Sphere." Sociological Theory 13:3 (November), 229-274.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "What's Political or Cultural about Political Culture and the Public Sphere? Toward an Historical Sociology of Concept Formation." Sociological Theory 13:2 (July), 113-144. 

1994. Somers, Margaret R. "Rights, Relationality, and Membership: Rethinking the Making and Meaning of Citizenship." Law and Social Inquiry 19:1, 1301-1350.

1993. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship and the Place of the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy." American Sociological Review 58:5 (October), 587-620. (First Place Prize for Outstanding Article in Political Sociology, 1994; Honorable Mention for Outstanding Article in Comparative Historical Sociology, 1994, by the American Sociological Association.)

C. The People and the Law, English Class Formation, Civil Society and the Making of Modern Democracy and Citizenship Rights

2022. Somers, Margaret R. "Dedemocratizing citizenship: how neoliberalism used market justice to move from welfare queening to authoritarianism in 25 short years." Citizenship Studies 25th Anniversary Issue, 26:4-5, August.

2022. Somers, Margaret R. and Daniel Hirschman. "Margaret Somers in Conversation with Daniel Hirschman." Sociologica 16:1, 153-173.

2020. Somers, Margaret R. "The Moral Economy of the Capitalist Crowd: Utopianism, the Reality of Society, and the Market as a Morally-Instituted Process in Polanyi's The Great Transformation." Special Dossier on Moral Economy, edited by Jeremy Adelman and Sam Moyn. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp. 227-234 

2014. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Is Cruelty the Key to Prosperity?", October 27.

2006. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "Poverty and Piety.” American Sociological Review, 71:3 (June), 511-513.

2005. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "Is Speenhamland a warning for social policy?" Pp. 13-54 in The Ethics and Economics of the Basic Income Guarantee, edited by Karl Widerquist, Michael Anthony Lewis, and Steven Pressman. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing.

2005. Somers, Margaret R. and Fred Block. "From Poverty to Perversity: Ideas, Markets, and Institutions over 200 Years of Welfare Debate." American Sociological Review 70:2 (April), 260-287. 

2003. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "In the Shadow of Speenhamland: Social Policy and the Old Poor Law." Politics and Society 31:2 (June), 283-323.

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action: Rethinking English Working-Class Formation." Pp. 354-74 in The History and Narrative Reader, edited by Geoffrey Roberts. New York: Routledge.

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Romancing the Market, Reviling the State: Historicizing Liberalism, Privatization, and the Competing Claims to Civil Society." Pp. 23-48 in Citizenship, Markets, and the state, edited by Colin Crouch, Klaus Eder, and Damian Tambini. New York: Oxford University Press.

1999. Somers, Margaret R. "The Privatization of Citizenship: How To Unthink a Knowledge Culture." Pp. 121-161 in Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture, edited by Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1999. Somers, Margaret R. "La Ciudadania y el Lugar de la Esfera Publica: Un Enfoque Historico." Pp. 217-35 in Ciudadania: Justicia Social, Identitad y Participation, edited by Steven Lukes and Soledad Garcia. Madrid and Mexico City: Siglo XXI de Espana Editores. (Translated by Soledad Garcia.)  

1997. Somers, Margaret R. "Deconstructing and Reconstructing Class Formation Theory: Narrativity, Relational Analysis, and Social Theory." Pp. 73-106 in Reworking Class, edited by John R. Hall. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrando y naturalizando la sociedad civil y la teoria de la ciudadania: el lugar de la cultura politica y de la esfera publica." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 255-337.

1996. Somers, Margaret R. "Class Formation and Capitalism: A Second Look at a Classic." [Katznelson and Zolberg's Working-Class Formation]. European Journal of Sociology/Archives de Sociologie Europeene 37:1 (May), 180-202. doi: 10.1017/S000397560000802X.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrating and Naturalizing Civil Society and Citizenship Theory: The Place of Political Culture and the Public Sphere." Sociological Theory 13:3 (November), 229-274.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "The 'Misteries' of Property: Relationality, Rural-Industrialization, and Community in Chartist Narratives of Political Rights." Pp. 62-92 in Early Modern Conceptions of Property, edited by John Brewer and Susan Staves. London: Routledge. (First Place Prize for Best Article in the Sociology of Culture by the American Sociological Association).

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "What's in a Name? Sociological Explanation and the Problem of Place." American Sociological Review 60:5 (October), 797-804.

1994. Somers, Margaret R. "Rights, Relationality, and Membership: Rethinking the Making and Meaning of Citizenship." Law and Social Inquiry 19:1, 1301-1350.

1993. Somers, Margaret R. "Citizenship and the Place of the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy." American Sociological Review 58:5, 587-620. (First Place Prize for Outstanding Article in Political Sociology, 1994; Honorable Mention for Outstanding Article in Comparative Historical Sociology, 1994, by the American Sociological Association.)

1992. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action: Rethinking English Working-Class Formation." Social Science History 16:4, 591-630. doi: 10.2307/1171314.

1989. Somers, Margaret R. "Workers of the World, Compare!" Contemporary Sociology 18:3 (May), 325-29. 

D. Historical Epistemology, Narrative Analysis and Narrative Identity, Comparative Historical Analysis, and a Historical Sociology of Concept Formation

2023. Somers, Margaret R. “Peter’s House of Theory – a postcard to Peter.Thesis Eleven 179:1, 36–39. 

2020. Somers, Margaret R. "The Moral Economy of the Capitalist Crowd: Utopianism, the Reality of Society, and the Market as a Morally-Instituted Process in Polanyi's The Great Transformation." Special Dossier on Moral Economy, edited by Jeremy Adelman and Sam Moyn. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp. 227-234.

2018. Somers, Margaret R. "Utopianism and the Reality of Society: Decoding Polanyi’s Socialism, Freedom, and the Alchemy of Misrecognition." Pp. 91-109 in Karl Polanyi and Freedom, edited by Michael Brie and Claus Thomasberger. Montreal, CA: Black Rose Books.

2016.  Margaret Somers in Conversation with Joshua Curtis, "Socially Embedding the Market and the Role of Law." Series on Economics and Law in Conversation, Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Global Economy, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics, March 2016.

2012.  Somers, Margaret R. "Angst und Schrecken vor der Öffentlichkeit: Der narrative Diskurs der angloamerikanischen Citizenship Theory." Pp. 273-310 in Erzählungen im Öffentlichen. Über die Wirkung narrativer Diskurse (Narratives in the Public Sphere: On The Effects of Narrative Discourses), edited by Markus Arnold, Gert Dressel, and Willy Viehöver. Wiesbaden (Germany) VS-Verlag.

2005. Somers, Margaret R. "Beware Trojan Horses Bearing Social Capital: How Privatization Turned Solidarity into a Bowling Team." Pp. 233-274 in The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences, edited by George Steinmetz. Duke University Press. 

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Il Paradosso di Pizzorno: L'astuta Persistenza della Teoria della Scelta Razionale." Pp. 169-94 in Identità, Riconoscimento, Scambio. Saggi in Onore Di Alessandro Pizzorno. Edited by D. della Porta, M. Greco, and A. Szakolczai. Roma-Bari, Italy: Laterza.  [“Pizzorno’s Paradox: The Cunning Persistence of Rational Choice Theory." Pp. 169-194 in Recognition, Self and Other in Social Theory: Essays in Honour of Alessandro Pizzorno.]

2001. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action: Rethinking English Working-Class Formation." Pp. 354-74 in The History and Narrative Reader, edited by Geoffrey Roberts. New York: Routledge.

1999. Somers, Margaret R. "The Privatization of Citizenship: How To Unthink a Knowledge Culture." Pp. 121-161 in Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture, edited by Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1998. Somers, Margaret R. "We're No Angels: Realism, Rational Choice, and Relationality in Social Science." American Journal of Sociology (lead article in special Symposium on Historical Sociology and Rational Choice Theory) 104 :3 (November), 722-784.

1997. Somers, Margaret R. "Deconstructing and Reconstructing Class Formation Theory: Narrativity, Relational Analysis, and Social Theory." Pp. 73-106 in Reworking Class, edited by John R. Hall. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrando y naturalizando la sociedad civil y la teoria de la ciudadania: el lugar de la cultura politica y de la esfera publica." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 255-337.

1996/97. Somers, Margaret R. "Que hay de politico o de cultural en la cultura politica y en la esfera publica? Hacia una sociologia historica de la formacion de conceptos." Zona Albierta (Madrid) 77/78: 31-94.

1996. Somers, Margaret R. "Class Formation and Capitalism: A Second Look at a Classic." [Katznelson and Zolberg's Working-Class Formation]. European Journal of Sociology/Archives de Sociologie Europeene 37:1 (May), 180-202. doi: 10.1017/S000397560000802X.

1996. Somers, Margaret R. "Where is Sociology After the Historic Turn?  Knowledge Cultures, Narrativity, and Historical Epistemologies." Pp. 53-90 in The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences, edited by Terrence J. McDonald. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrating and Naturalizing Civil Society and Citizenship Theory: The Place of Political Culture and the Public Sphere." Sociological Theory 13:3 (November), 229-274.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "What's in a Name? Sociological Explanation and the Problem of Place." American Sociological Review 60:5 (October), 797-804.

1995. Somers, Margaret R. "What's Political or Cultural about Political Culture and the Public Sphere? Toward an Historical Sociology of Concept Formation." Sociological Theory 13:2 (July), 113-144. 

1994. Somers, Margaret R. "The Narrative Constitution of Identity: A Relational and Network Approach." Theory and Society 23:5, 605-650 (translated into Chinese).

1994. Somers, Margaret R. and Gloria D. Gibson. "Reclaiming the Epistemological 'Other': Narrative and the Social Constitution of Identity." Pp. 37-99 in Social Theory and the Politics of Identity, edited by Craig Calhoun. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

1992. Somers, Margaret R. "Narrativity, Narrative Identity, and Social Action: Rethinking English Working-Class Formation." Social Science History 16:4, 591-630. doi: 10.2307/1171314.

1989. Somers, Margaret R. "Workers of the World, Compare!" Contemporary Sociology 18:3 (May), 325-29. 

1984. Block, Fred and Margaret R. Somers. "Beyond the Economistic Fallacy: The Holistic Social Science of Karl Polanyi." Pp. 47-84 in Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, edited by  Theda Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511621567.004.

1980. Skocpol, Theda and Margaret Somers. "The Uses of Comparative History in Macrosocial Inquiry." Comparative Studies in Society and History 22:2, 174-197.