
I have long experience teaching economics as a Teaching Assistant (TA), both in the U.S. and in Peru. Below you can find a summary of my experience and students' evaluations (when available).

University of Michigan, Economics Department

Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)

"Luis is an excellent teacher. He explains difficult topics very intuitively and gives various solutions to a problem, increasing student understanding. Additionally, he is very helpful during his office hours, which is where I learn the most. Needless to say, he has a thorough understanding of the material as he is able to answer difficult questions, even those that are outside of the scope of the class, with ease. He has truly made me passionate about econ and motivated me to pursue it further. Luis definitely deserves the utmost respect and praise for teaching."

"Luis was very good at explaining the concepts and problems, and his slides were always very well–made. He was very detailed in the processes and answered questions well."

"Luis is a very qualified GSI, he is a well prepared and emphatic professor. Moreover, he explains the course material very good and from a diverse point of view, mathematically but with a special focus on economic intuition behind the mathematics. He is almost always willing to listen to students outside the classroom. In my opinion, he handles the course with responsibility, dedication, and preparation."

Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government

Course Assistant (MPA/ID)

PED-101Y: Economic Development: Theory, Evidence and Policy Design, 1 term

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Departamento de Economía

Jefe Prácticas (equivalent to TA)