Study Population and Sampling Strategy

The LOSHAK sampling frame will include Kenyan adults aged 45 years and older. The Aga Khan University (AKU) team has built expertise in survey design and sampling through the ongoing Kaloleni/Rabai Community Health and Demographic Surveillance System (KRHDSS) that surveys 92,000 individuals (18,000 households) every 6 months, including 14,389 individuals aged ≥45 years (the LOSHAK sampling frame) in 113 towns and villages. The KRHDSS platform is currently being used to test feasibility of key LOSHAK measures and data collection protocols.

All recruitment, consenting, and assessments are conducted by trained interviewers. Examiners undergo specialized training and are certified in the collection of each measure before entering the field. 

Download feasibility study instrument (link forthcoming)

The LOSHAK feasibility study consists of the following sections: