
Sidoti, B., L.L. Walsh, K. Parsley, K. Callis-Duehl, A. Hove, H. Liu, M. Uzcategui, D. Ospina,H. Bruce-Opris, R. Gonzalez, C. Baraloto, and M. McCartney. 2023. Characterizing the landscape of plant science careers I: Government and private sector perspectives. Plants, People, Planet.

Walsh, L.L., Parsley, K., B. Sidoti, K. Callis-Duehl, A. Hove, H. Liu, H. Bruce-Opris, R. Gonzalez, D. Ospina, M. Uzcategui, C. Baraloto, and M. McCartney. Characterizing the landscape of plant science careers II: Level of alignment between the workforce and academic training. Plants, People, Planet.  

Walsh, L.L., and P.K. Tucker. 2023. Evaluating anthropogenic influence on a mesopredator: Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) isotope values influenced by corn agriculture more than urbanization. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 101:

Larson, J.G., H.L. Crowell, L.L. Walsh, and A.R. Davis Rabosky. 2022. The Batrachian Barf Bowl: An inter-institutional authentic research experience using ecological data from frog diets. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9095.

Arango-Caro, S., L.L. Walsh, Wester, E.R., and K. Callis-Duehl. 2022. The role of educational technology on mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. In: H.J. Witchel and M.W. Lee (Eds.) Technologies in Biomedical and Life Science Education. Springer, Cham.

Callis-Duehl, K., L. Walsh, R. Kaggwa, S. Arango-Caro, K. Parsley, and A. Funk. 2022. Plant Science, Racial Inequity & Social Justice. American Biology Teacher, 84(4): 185-186. 

Walsh, L.L., R.J. Bills, S.M. Lo, E.M. Walter, B.E. Weintraub, and M.D. Withers. 2022. We can’t fail again: Arguments for professional development in the wake of COVID-19. JMBE.

Walsh, L. L., Lichti, D., Wester, E. R., Zambrano, C., Sodhi, J. S., Moon, S., & Callis-Duehl, K.  2021. Why and how science students in the United States think their peers cheat more frequently online: perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 17: 23. 

Walsh, L.L. 2021. Developing decolonial consciousness in biology students through critical reflection assignments. CourseSource.

Walsh, L.L., S. Arango-Caro, Wester, E.R., and K. Callis-Duehl. 2021. Training faculty as an institutional response to COVID-19 emergency remote teaching supported by data. CBE- Life Sciences Education, 20(3): ar34. DOI:10.1187/cbe.20-12-0277

Walsh, L.L.  and P.K. Tucker.  2021. Stable isotope values suggest opossums (Didelphis virginiana) at their northern edge do not seasonally molt. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(1): 1-8.

Wester, E.R., L.L. Walsh, S. Arango-Carro, and K. Callis-Duehl. Student engagement declines in STEM undergraduates during COVID-19 driven remote learning. 2021Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 22(1):22.1.50.   doi:10.1128/jmbe.v22i1.2385 

Walsh, L.L.  and P.K. Tucker. 2020. Habitat heterogeneity is correlated with isotopic niche breadth across the range of a mammalian generalist mesopredator.  Ecosphere, 11(12): e03314.

Walsh, L.L., Z. Jia, and J. Vernon. 2020. A professional development activity to better support international graduate teaching assistants in evaluating scientific writing . Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 21(1): doi:10.1128/jmbe.v21i1.1959.

Walsh, L.L., C.W. Thompson, and C. Giffen. 2019. Teaching biodiversity with Museum Specimens in an Inquiry-based Lab. CourseSource.

Walsh, L.L.  and P.K. Tucker. 2018. Contemporary range expansion of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) impacted by humans and snow cover. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96(2): 107-115.

Walsh, L.L., R. Seabloom, and C.W. Thompson. 2017. Range extension of the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in North Dakota. The Prairie Naturalist, 49(2): 72-75. 

Works in progress (Please e-mail me at for questions)

Walsh, L.L., and P.K. Tucker. Historical context of the Virginia Opossum’s expansion in North America. In prep. Journal of Biogeography. 

J. Slowiak, L.L. Walsh, A.C. Carr, M.S. Brown, D.J. Nero, T. Ikejiri, and S.A. Lee. Dinosaurs walked like reptiles: Locomotor rhythmicity a key feature to survive the K/Pg extinction. In prep.  Science.