PI's biography

Yuki earned his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Tokyo in 2015, where he specialized in physical chemistry. As an undergraduate, he worked with Kaoru Yamanouchi and investigated how femtosecond pulses could be used to control the sub-femtosecond dynamics of Coulomb explosion in small molecules. He then moved to Berkeley, California, to pursue his Ph.D. in Chemistry, which he completed in 2020 under the guidance of Stephen Leone and Daniel Neumark. At Berkeley, his research focused on the application of attosecond spectroscopy to chemical dynamics, where he characterized curve-crossing dynamics and vibronic coherences in photoexcited molecules. Following his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University with Tony Heinz, David Reis, and Shambhu Ghimire. There, he studied strong light-matter interactions in two-dimensional materials and explored the use of enhanced quantum effects for optical applications.

In August 2023, Yuki started a research group at the U-M Chemistry. Go Blue!


Willian R. Roush Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA, 2023-present

Fellow, Quantum Research Initiative, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA, 2024-present

Department of Chemistry

Quantum Materials Chemistry group

Urbanek-Chodorow Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford PULSE Institute, USA, 2020-2023

Research advisors: Tony F. Heinz, David A. Reis, Shambhu Ghimire

Research theme: "Extreme light-matter interactions in two-dimensional materials"

Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2015-2020

Research advisors: Stephen R. Leone, Daniel M. Neumark

Thesis title: "Attosecond molecular spectroscopy: electronic coherence and curve-crossing dynamics"

B.S., Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan, 2011-2015

Research advisor: Kaoru Yamanouchi

Thesis title: "Carrier-envelope-phase dependence of Coulomb-explosion dynamics in D2O"


2020 UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellow, University of California

2020 Urbanek-Chorodow Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University

2015 Funai Overseas Scholarship, The Funai Foundation for Information Technology

2015 Chemistry Chair Award for Undergraduate Research, University of Tokyo