
06/18/2024 - UM WISE Summer Camp

06/18/2024 - Microscope kits (sponsored by Thorlabs)

06/05/2024 - APS DAMOP at Fortworth, TX

03/28/2024 - First vaccum chamber arrived

01/23/2024 - A new laser enclosure


12/21/2023 - XUV cam holder by LSA Machine Shop

12/21/2023 - We assembled spectrometers!

12/01/2023 - Group dinner at downtown AA

11/02/2023 - First experiments running!

10/12/2023 - APS NLSC at Tacoma, WA

08/07/2023 - MQC meeting at Purdue

04/10/2023 - Optics layout

04/10/2023 - Key visual

04/10/2023 - Key visual

02/03/2023 - Laser lab before renovation

02/03/2023 - Visit to the U-M Chemistry