Papers & Preprints:

Contribued Talks:
Normal Forms and Iterative Methods for the Cubic NLS ,  Oct '23, Student Analysis at University of Michigan
A Look at Iterative Methods via Cubic NLS,  Apr. '22, Student Analysis at University of Michigan
Birkhoff Normal Form for Hamiltonian PDEs, Nov. '22, Student Analysis at University of Michigan
Wave Kinetic Equation for NLS, Mar. '22, Student Analysis at University of Michigan
Using Noether's Theorem to Find Conserved Quantities of NLS, Nov. '21, Student Analysis at University of Michigan
Littlewood Paley Theory, Dec. '20, Student Analysis at University of Michigan

Past Works:
Lacunarity of Han-Nekrasov-Okounkov $q$-series, with K. Gallagher and L. Li, 2020 (Preprint: arXiv)
Generating Functions for Power Moments of Elliptic Curves over $\mathbb{F}_p$, with K. Gallagher, L. Li, N. Sweeting, K. Woo, 2019 (Preprint: arXiv)