
Courses and MDP-Team

Course Description: This course will teach the basics of vehicle crashworthiness and occupant protection along with finite element modeling for vehicle safety designs. Specifically, upon completion of this course, the students should be able to understand the general procedures and state-of-the-art tools to evaluate vehicle crash safety, apply fundamental principles to interpret injury mechanisms, safety concerns, and design benefits in different types of crashes, and assess safety systems using finite element crash simulations.  This course will be featured with three projects, including a modeling project, a literature review project, and a group project on vehicle crash safety designs.

Learning objectives: As a result of this course, students will be able to:

Availability: This course is offered every Fall semester through Integrative Systems + Design (ISD).  Online option is also available.

Project: Toward Adaptive Designs for Human Safety: Developing Parametric Human Body Models to Present a Diverse Population

Goal: To develop the next generation of parametric human body models representing the whole population.  Such models will enable population-based or individualized simulations, which will serve for adaptive/personalized designs for human safety, such as adaptive vehicle seat belt and air bag, personalized helmets and other safety devices and sport equipment.

Students: Students ranging from 1st year to graduate level are welcome to apply, and all will be encouraged to stay on the team for more than the two-semester minimum. Leadership roles are available in the lab, and experienced students will be a natural fit for these positions as their knowledge and skills develop over time. 

2020 MDP Research Team (* Faculty Member)

2019 MDP Research Team (* Faculty Member)