Welcome! My name is Isaias Ceballos III and I am a current PhD student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Welcome! Bienvenidos!

I am originally from southeast Los Angeles, CA. However, I moved to northern California to study Cognitive Science and Psychology at the University of California, Davis. There, I worked with Dr. Fernanda Ferreira in the Psycholinguistics Laboratory where I became very curious about sociolinguistics and cognition. After completing my degree, I came to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to pursue a Ph.D. because of this curiosity. 

Now, as a current Ph.D. student, I am investigating linguistic microaggressions concerning how and why they occur. This is motivated by not only my own experiences but also by the growing need to study them to ensure inclusiveness in diverse environments. 

As a poet, I enjoy attending and participating in Open Mics, especially those that are organized to address societal crises. As a former musician, I also enjoy music and I am always looking to listen to new genres and artists.