Inner Child Connection

Communicating with the inner child within all of us can allow for healing and growth.

Dear Reader, 

Connecting with my past self is something that can be therapeutic and I have found it to be eye-opening. However, because of this, my piece became very exposing. I feel vulnerable sharing it with you. I thought about taking out the parts expressing sadness but ultimately decided to leave them in. After all, sharing any writing is vulnerable.  

I chose to blend my two experiments of the Gateway course. My first was that of the interview. I chose to interview my past self after a therapist suggested it might be a good way to heal her. In this first part of the semester, I played with the genre of interviewing. In my second experiment, I took my classmate's feedback to heart and wanted to add some context around the interview to tell the whole story. I then chose the genre of magazine articles to display this work altogether. To make it even more challenging, I chose to create two articles relating to different audiences. One is reaching out to the inner parent, giving them a new therapy that can better their mental health as an adult. The other could be said to bring out the inner child more. I used some nostalgic touches to relate to them and remind them of who the reader once was. I hope you enjoy the various pictures of myself and my friends as children. I wanted to refrain from stock images and use real people to guide you through your connection to your past self. I am also curious to see which magazine style resonates with you the most. My goal is to give my readers a new tactic for bettering themselves. I hope you find it to be useful in your journey. 

Thank you, 

Chloe Landers