Portrait of Iryna

From Borispil, Iryna Tsvila worked in landscape design, specializing in the selection and planting of roses before she was drawn to the Euromaidan Revolution, embracing it as an opportunity to inspire major changes within her country. After the revolution dramatically changed her life to serve a purpose, she joined the Sich Volunteer Battalion, deploying first to Sloviansk and then to Kurakhovo where she took shifts on the frontline in Pisky, delivering supplies, manning checkpoints, teaching combat first aid, and assisting in all functions on the ground to support the combatants. Irina continued her service in the war until 2018, when she decided to return to the “peace life.” In February 2022, Iryna joined the Kyiv Territorial Defense battalion and was killed in action.

Можливо це виклик якийсь певний був перевірити чи не випадкова я людина тут: чи зможу, чи не схиблю, чи не підведу. Тоді я тільки єдине що попросила у Бога дати мені сили не показати як мені страшно. Потім я зібрала рюкзак і поставила його в машину, сказала, ну, мій рюкзак поїхав, я залишаюсь.

Maybe it was a challenge to see that I was not a random person there, whether I could do it or whether I would fail and be a let down. But even then, the only thing I did was to ask God to give me the strength to not reveal to them how scared I was. Then I packed my backpack and put it in the car. I said, my backpack can go, but I am staying.

Я людина доволі сильна: вважаю себе сильною. Я знайду сили встати і іти далі хоча б заради тільки тих людей, яких ми втратили.

I am a strong person: I consider myself strong. I will find strength to lift myself up and keep going, not least in honor of the people we’ve lost.